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For patients with gout.. Natural ways to prevent pain attacks and reduce uric acid

There are many lifestyle and dietary changes that can reduce your risk of a gout attack and gout-related joint degeneration. In this report, we learn about ways to prevent gout, including foods to avoid.

Prevention of pain attacks for gout patients

A combination of one or more of these strategies can help prevent the buildup of uric acid that leads to a gout attack.

1- Drink plenty of water

Increasing your water intake helps keep your kidneys healthy and helps them eliminate uric acid from your body.

2- Lose excess weight or maintain a healthy weight

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise can help reduce your risk of developing gout.

Research evidence suggests that sudden and dramatic weight loss, such as after bariatric surgery, may increase the risk of a gout attack in the short term, but in the long term, losing excess weight is an effective way to reduce the risk.

3- Treat sleep apnea

Some evidence suggests that sleep apnea treatment can significantly affect the frequency of gout attacks. Treatment typically includes the use of a C-Pap machine or other therapy device designed to increase oxygen intake during sleep. sleep. Increasing your oxygen intake can decrease uric acid production and reduce your risk of a gout attack.

The main goals of sleep apnea treatment include improving sleep quality and heart health.

4- Avoid foods that can trigger gout

People who are prone to gout can prevent a buildup of uric acid in the blood by avoiding certain foods, including seafood, red meat, organ meats, drinks, and sugary foods.

5- Avoid drugs that cause gout

Some drugs, such as diuretics, are associated with hyperuricemia. People who take these medications and have gout can ask their doctors about other medications or treatments that may be appropriate.

6- Take the gout medicine prescribed by the doctor

Your doctor may prescribe medicines to reduce the amount of uric acid your body makes. Medicine to lower uric levels is usually recommended for people aged 12 and over:

7- Diet for gout

Certain foods and drinks can raise uric acid levels in the blood and trigger gout attacks. Other foods can help reduce the likelihood of a gout attack.

Experts estimate that a proper gout prevention diet can reduce uric acid levels by up to 15%.

Foods that can trigger a gout attack

Doctors recommend avoiding or limiting the consumption of:

Sugary foods and beverages, especially those made with high-fruit corn syrup, such as soda

Meat, especially liver

Seafood, especially herring

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