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For more education and less suffering

Last year, five projects and associations in the Riedlingen region each received 4,700 euros from the donation fund of the “Help brings joy” Christmas campaign of the “Schwäbische Zeitung”. This means a sum of 23,500 euros, with which volunteers from the region can continue their valuable work around the world to fight the causes of the flight. In Burkia Faso, vocational school was completed thanks to local support. In Tanzania, aid guarantees the education of young people. In Cameroon, donations have helped renovate the school and in Romania, the money is helping buy a fire engine.

The most beautiful message that Dr Reginamaria Eder from Cameroon sent to Riedlingen is that his partner at the foundation, Patience Mollè, is in such good health that the construction work of the Doriana vocational school could be completed under her direction. HUPJEFI centers offer good future prospects for the many girls. One of the first girls that Patience Mollè accepted in the early days is now a specialist teacher trained at Doriana with the “Haute Couture” professional level. With the money from the “Helping brings joy” campaign, the final works of the Doriana vocational school could be completed during the dry season. A huge flood had submerged everything around the building, including the driveway. With input from SZ readers, the driveway was filled in again and the entrance area redesigned.

The sister community of Kifungilo in Tanzania was filled with joy and gratitude for the large amount of money, says Richard Neubrand of the Making fun of Afrikahilfe. There are currently 13 young people being trained as carpenters and welders. With the support of “Help brings joy” it is possible to pay the salary of the master carpenter and part of the training costs of the apprentices, given that young people are unable to pay the tuition. “Asante Sana (thank you very much) for your support,” says Richard Neubrand of Ertinger Afrikahilfe.

“In recent months we have been very active in achieving our goals,” said Günther Wiedemann of the Help Alb-Danube-Romania. The school furniture was transported from Altshausen to Balc in the Bihor district on two trucks. A transport of clothes for poor families went to the church in Valea lui Mihai. The humanitarian organization has been to Caritas in Marghita twice with medicines and aids for the two rest homes. Unfortunately, a new cold store would have to wait, a fire engine for the municipality of Balc was more important, says Wiedemann. Three homes burned down in the area in one year. So far there are no real firefighters and no fire trucks. Getting a fire engine was a bigger problem, according to Wiedemann. Off-the-shelf vehicles cost more than expected. But with the money from the “Help brings joy” Christmas campaign, two large donations and many small donations, it was possible to find a suitable car. “We drove 1,400 kilometers through Germany to inspect the vehicles,” says Wiedemann. “The most important thing was to find someone who understood our ideology and not only wanted to sell, but also wanted to help with a suitable fire engine.” With Michael Trachternach from Recklinhausen, they found exactly the right person with a suitable vehicle. He gave great support to Alb-Donau-Romania aid. In this way it is possible to purchase a fully equipped fire engine that is immediately ready for use. The North Rhine-Westphalia backer has packed a lot of equipment, including a rescue shear. The Alb-Donau-Romanienhilfe is currently waiting for the van that will transport the vehicle to the municipality of Balc.

Also in Burkina Faso the construction of the vocational school was further promoted with the “Help brings joy” fundraising campaign. Among other things, the money went to the construction of a solar-powered well for a constant water supply. And there is a successful message: Marlene Müller from meeting point of the world church he had telephoned Pastor Emanuel Sawadogo in Burkina Faso. Kaya’s vocational school was completed and the new school year began on October 15th. By German standards it is unimaginable how the building was erected. Occupational safety measures are a completely foreign word. The rooms are only half finished. There is no furniture due to lack of money. Even the school canteen was only “tinkered”. But it is taught. According to Emanuel Sawadogo, two million people in Burkina Faso are fleeing IS terrorist troops inside the country. In the country, where about 40 percent of the population lives below the poverty line, women and children are asking for help. From time to time the parish priest organizes a distribution of basic foodstuffs to the needy and a meal together.

The fifth project in the distribution area of ​​the Schwäbische Zeitung, curated by the Biberach editorial team, is the Verein cooperative, which supported a vocational school and many students in the Kenyan hinterland. As reported by the Schwäbische Zeitung, the Uttenweiler association is ending its engagement with the Msulwa vocational school due to inconsistencies and broken promises.

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