Home » today » World » For Montana and Bulgaria! We are living in a nightmare! – 2024-08-12 05:34:05

For Montana and Bulgaria! We are living in a nightmare! – 2024-08-12 05:34:05

/ world today news/ Millions of people live below the poverty line. There is no justice. There is no justice. There is no honesty. There is unbearable social filth. I cannot imagine a worse social order than the one existing today. If I had to use one word to define today’s social reality in our country, it would be the word nightmare.

Should we allow and believe people who kept quiet when they privatized what was built during socialism, when they brought us into NATO and liquidated our army. People with a party ticket from the BKP, and now fierce neoliberals, sold their dignity, and some sold their homeland. Should we believe them? People who destroyed the trust in BSP for their own benefit. Should we believe them? Now they rule us and make us feel that we are happy slaves. The question is whether they will be allowed to. Then they gave Bulgaria a concession, just to be in power. It was up to us to let them in. But we allowed it! The most unpleasant conclusion that follows from the above considerations is that in the value system of modern man, only money matters. Everything else is unimportant. This fact speaks of a great spiritual and moral devastation in the soul of modern man. In this sense, we are once again convinced that money is indeed the evil god of our time.

In fact, we live in a world where man is a slave to money. He is a slave more than ever. In conclusion, it can be said that we live in a world with an upside down value system. The most valuable and primary thing in society should be Man with his reason, knowledge and creative power. But all this is no longer worth anything. And after all, nothing surprises me in Montana. Everything is as it is. A reflection of what it is. Neoliberal bullying of the “new” replaced the “old” leadership of the Regional Management of the BSP Montana. Where has the BSP Montana gone…towards an abyss. A party without spiritual values, divided without an ideal and common sense is perishing! In fact, BSP Montana is an emaciated political skeleton that can no longer generate ideas, messages, or politics. Hatred and hatred eat away at them and their sentence has been read and will soon be carried out if radical reform is not made.

And all this came from a lady in love with herself, who cannot bear the truth about her inability to work in a team with the others in the BSP Montana leadership. A paradoxical sign of complete moral bankruptcy, which sweeps away like a typhoon the entire city and district organization of the BSP in spite of everything that can be defined as arrogant recklessness and impudence, which will liquidate an entire organization to prove its sick ambition for sole leadership. And there is no one to stop her. An incredible event – a curse in Montana, but it is a fact. The lack of ideology, the appetite for authoritarianism, the skillful use of the Party as an EOOD, the feudalization of the local structures of the BSP are largely the reason for the current inability of the left to be a force for good and a counterbalance to abuses over reason. This is unfortunately the way things are in Montana today. The BSP is becoming more and more closed, less and less able to create a convincing progressive program to restore the party-organizational life in the organizations and most importantly to restore the trust of the Bulgarians in the BSP. The idea that the deterioration of the “objective conditions” will somehow cause a new political revolution is really an illusion, due to the fact that the BSP lacks the necessary amount of young, thinking people to reverse the processes in Bulgaria. It’s a bad job! And when a person thinks about the demographic problem, he acts desperately to save our country. It is no longer a question of us being poor, uneducated and so on. It is about Bulgaria and the Bulgarians – we are melting and disappearing, and this is politically motivated by the Western masters, who are draining our young blood through forced labor and the use of our mental potential in foreign economies. Our hope is that the people will still open their eyes to the abyss that is before our feet. And I come to the conclusion that there is only one salvation. We can do it. We just need the beginning of March 2018 for millions of Bulgarians to take to the streets to welcome the inspirer of the new world – Russian President Vladimir Putin. And to express their desire for an alliance between Bulgaria and Russia. Then our sorrows will end. Forever! But hopefully this is not just a dream. Because the interests of the political class and the rulers is to remain the status quo, which brings them benefits and comfort to remain overseers in our colonial country. Corruption is now undisturbed by the new rules of the parliamentary majority and the caravan moves on, despite the barking of the beseparians. And corruption really kills. But do you know who he kills? The bowed down, the crushed, the pre-boned from submission, the puzzlers, the unlucky, the slobbers. Corruption kills the disenfranchised. And do you know why? Because they agree. By their silence they show that they agree. But inequality in which we live will cause unprecedented global social explosions if urgent and radical measures are not taken to extinguish it. Because the patience of the humiliated will not be endless!

Because two social evils overlap in our country: Bulgaria is both the poorest and the one with the greatest income inequality in the EU. This gives rise to social misery that can escalate into desperate riots with unpredictable consequences. I am not mentioning any political party because none is capable of organizing such riots. I don’t think so, and I don’t think that the political system can be changed in the near future. The problem is that at the moment new ideas are not given the opportunity to be launched, although many people in the world are talking about how this system is not good. We Bulgarians need to get our National State back. A nation-state that reconciles values ​​and interests. A nation-state to accommodate globalism, which means that physical borders must of course remain. But they should no longer be considered an obstacle to the development of the state, which should also lead to a reassessment of what the state territory means. The current political model, with which I do not agree at all, dictates that state territory is market territory. No, it’s not a market area. This territory is both spirit, and hope, and love, and life, but also death, it is a legacy of our ancestors. This piece of land is soaked with the blood of millions of Bulgarians who have protected it so that we have it today. And that is why I say that this system is against the interests of Bulgaria and Bulgarians. This is the reason to think soberly and stop the political opposition and unite our efforts together for the salvation of our kind and Bulgaria.

#Montana #Bulgaria #living #nightmare

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