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“ For me this book is the indignity that is told ”

Minister Oumar Youm on “The protocol of the Elysee”: “For me this book, it is the indignity that is told”

“This book does not learn anything new, except frustration.” This is the appreciation that the Minister of Infrastructures, Land Transport and Opening up, Oumar Youm, has of the book of his former colleague of Energy, Thierno Alassane Sall.

To believe him, “It is the indignity” which is described through “The protocol of the Elysee”. ” I am sure that everything he has had to say as a minister and what he says as an opponent, we leave the opinion-judge to be able to say which Thierno Alassane Sall is speaking. If it is the frustrated minister who speaks or if it is the politician, opponent of the Macky Sall regime who speaks, ” wonders Minister Oumar Youm.

According to him, “ there will always be room for frustrated, dishonest men who have lost their ministerial portfolio and who are struggling to reconstitute their interests and those of the people and who shoot at everything that moves. He himself as minister had to reassure the Senegalese on the quality of management. Today, as an opponent, he repeats the opposite of what he said. Let us leave his conscience to him. ”

However, he does not fail to halo the actions taken by his leader Macky Sall as soon as the oil fields were discovered. Thus, he insists that all the measures have been taken by President Macky Sall to avoid “this curse that accompanies the discoveries of gas and oil”.

“ Discovering our oil and gas deposits, I had the chance to be alongside the Head of State as Chief of Staff. I know the strong implication of the Head of State to ensure that these natural resources are used in the most efficient way for the benefit of the Senegalese. Starting first by changing the constitution in 2016 when the discoveries were announced in 2015. By modifying the constitution to include as a golden rule that the natural resources of Senegal belong to the Senegalese. As a preventive measure, he anticipated the need to allow Senegalese to make the most of our natural resources by setting up a national oil and gas institute. ”

Better, he did everything so that “this curse is transformed into a blessing.” Youm invites Thierno Alassane Sall to avoid using his opponent’s posture to “taint the image of Senegal”.

The image of the president has been further consolidated in the way he manages the country. After Rwanda and Cape Verde, Senegal is the third country in terms of transparency, efficient implementation of economic and social policies. The rest is gossip, nonsense, indiscretion. ”

He believes that his former energy colleague must be mature enough to know that leading is first and foremost to be discreet.

“ I think that someone who has the ambition to lead Senegal tomorrow who gets into the systematic unpacking of lies, invective, untruths is disqualified by himself. The Senegalese know that a state is first of all secrecy, it is knowing how to be silent, knowing how to wait and be a man of action. What did he do to Thiès that deserves to be given the floor? You don’t hand a microphone to just anyone. The Senegalese must have a minimum requirement through the media, ” says Oumar Youm.

Author: Khady NDOYE Correspondent Mbour – Seneweb.com

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