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“For me there was Naples and that’s it! I liked Inter. On the Scudetto, the idol and Spalletti …”

Napoli football newsthe blue striker Giacomo Raspadori gave a long interview to Corriere della Sera. Many topics covered, from the choice of transfer market to go to the blue after a long negotiation up to the extra-field aspects. Here are some excerpts: “I’m a normal guy, humble, too. I train the body, but also the mind, study and sport can go hand in hand, two added values. I don’t have tattoos and earrings, simply because I don’t like them. Is it bad to say that I sympathized with Inter? “.

Giacomo Raspadori Naples

Interview with Raspadori Corriere della Sera

Raspadori, from Sassuolo to Naples. Reasoned choice?

«Ambitious choice. Wanted. Also designed and approved by my family. I will always thank Sassuolo who understood my need and went along with it. Napoli gave me confidence, a lot of confidence. And I felt that I could reciprocate it. Never fear, respect for the big club where I landed yes. I felt ready ».

Until now she could be on the pitch and make mistakes, and at her age it can still happen. Naples is a demanding showcase.

«I am 22 years old, in football they are not few. Being able to make mistakes and get up formed me. Probably if I had not done this path I would have had difficulty. And as a kid I had a lot of disappointments. Falling and getting up in a square that judges you, but up to a certain point, it helped me, it accelerated growth. That’s why I felt the time had come. ‘

Some colleagues of the same age have chosen the Premier. Have you ever thought about it?

«The Premier is a dream for everyone, those who play football love and admire that football. Then in life each chooses what he wants. For me there was Napoli and that’s it. When I arrived I had confirmation that I was in the right place at the right time of my life ».

Balance is a feature that Napoli lacked a bit last year.

«I often watched the matches on TV, the team was strong. He has done important things, not taken for granted. It could have been better too, right. But maybe that’s the growth. Napoli is a group, also from a human point of view, with high values. The harmony makes us perform at our best ».

Could this year be the right time with Raspadori?

«We are many in the upper area of ​​the standings, and it is too early to say who will cross the finish line. Milan, Inter, Rome, Atalanta and Juventus and we who do not set ourselves limits ».

Spalletti is demanding on the pitch, what do you ask of you?

“He asks me to be natural. Do the things I know how to do. It gives me freedom, for me it is the highest form of trust ».

Aguero, Di Natale, Paolo Rossi: idols with which he is associated from time to time. Who was she looking at?

“Aguero and I’ll put Rooney in it too. The combinations are nice but to be like them it still takes a lot. For now I try to steal something from everyone ».

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