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For Laurent Berger, the pension reform must incorporate the subject of arduous work

The secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, in Matignon (Paris), Thursday, February 13. STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP

Pension reform is still not a consensus. On the eve of the opening of
debates in the National Assembly, the secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, said in an interview with Sunday newspaper from February 16, expect MPs to complete the text of the bill establishing a universal plan.

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The parliamentarians, who will start examining it in plenary on Monday, “Understood that the project as it is today, if it does not include elements on arduous work, would not be fair”, says union leader, engaged in “A process of discussion”.

A point “Fundamental”, he continues, remains the question of “Reparation for those in a difficult job: they must be able to retire earlier”. Renewing his request for negotiations by branch, Mr. Berger appeals to Medef “Who doesn’t want to hear about it” but also at “Government because, ultimately, it is he who decides”.

“Securing transitions in the public service”

Employers, he said, “First said that we could not measure [la pénibilité] individually. Since it was complicated collectively. And now he refuses to negotiate in the sectors! ”

“Medef is in favor of preventing arduous work and retraining. But not to repair the damage! This attitude, if it persists, would destroy the balance of the reform. “

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Beyond the arduousness, he observes, “We need to make transitions more secure, in the public service in particular for category C agents, and go further on the minimum pension”.

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About the government, he says he is worried about “The unpreparedness we have been experiencing for months”. He particularly regrets the ” confusion “ which leads to the absence of information on the financing of the project.

Asked about a hypothetical recourse to article 49-3, allowing to pass a law in an emergency, he comments that it would “An error”, because “this text deserves a real parliamentary debate” and that it “would be terrible for our democracy”.

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