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For its 30th anniversary, the Carré d’Art disseminates contemporary art in Nîmes

It is difficult to miss it while strolling through the streets of Nîmes. Inaugurated 30 years ago, on May 9, 1993, the Carré d’Art, museum of contemporary art, is located opposite the Maison Carrée, candidate for UNESCO World Heritage. To celebrate its three decades, this original work of the English architect Norman Foster directed by Jean-Marc Prévost, organizes a year of celebrations. “All the city’s museums will offer their visitors a space dedicated to contemporary art”, explains Sophie Roulle, deputy mayor of Nîmes, delegate for Culture. The Museums of Fine Arts, Romanity, Natural History, Bullfighting Cultures, Textiles, etc. will be concerned.

From April 21 to December 31, at the Musée de la Romanité, Austrian artist Oliver Laric will immerse himself in contemporary collections to reinterpret them into ancient sculptures using a 3D printer. “Exhibiting in other museums makes it possible to reach a different public, where some enthusiasts of ancient art discover contemporary art, and vice versa”, indicates Sophie Roulle. From March to December, contemporary artist Martial Raysse will exhibit at the Musée des Beaux-Arts. “An artist known to Nîmes, since he created two works contributing to the urban development of the city, on the places of Assas and the place of the Market”, specifies the elected official.

Thirty or so original works used to create the Feria de Nîmes posters will be exhibited at the Bullfighting Cultures Museum from May 13 to October 31. “This is the first time that we will present the original works to the public, who only know the final posters”, adds Sophie Roulle.

A contemporary art event in 2024

The Carré d’Art, meanwhile, will exhibit contemporary works from the 1960s to 2000 from the museum’s reserves. Among them, creations by artists Walid Raad, Tarik Kiswanson, Suzanne Lafont and Martine Syms will be exhibited from May 9 to September 17. Books by contemporary artists will notably be available for consultation at the museum’s Bob Calle documentation centre. Finally, the public space will be occupied by “four artists from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, fifth-year students or just graduated, who will exhibit their works in 4 squares in the city: places de la Calade, du Chapitre, de the Town Hall and the Place aux Herbes”, enumerates Sophie Roulle.

These months of exhibitions will be followed by a major three-month international event devoted to contemporary art which will begin in 2024. “This new event will bring together the population of Nîmes and local artists”, specifies the Deputy Culture .

Carré d’Art, which employs 14 people, welcomed 22,000 visitors in 2022, and exhibited 848 works by nearly 320 artists.

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