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For Israel, the Pegasus case is not its responsibility

It is therefore no coincidence that Yaïr Lapid recalls in the interview given to the World his friendship with the French president:

“President Macron is an inspiring leader, a true friend of Israel, but also a personal friend of mine. He is one of the most committed and firm European leaders in the face of anti-Semitism. We would never have done anything that could harm him. ”

And to specify that NSO Group is a private company. If Pegasus has been used maliciously, “then that’s a crime.” If someone misused this cyber weapon, or lied, they should be punished by justice, ”said the Israeli minister.

As for the status of negotiations with the French government and the State of Israel so that French numbers can no longer be targeted by Pegasus, Yaïr Lapid answers:

“Investigations have been launched in Europe and the United States, we will have to wait for the results. It is out of the hands of our government. ”

For the minister, who suggests that the license of the Moroccan authorities – which would be at the origin of the espionage of the French president – has not been revoked, it is not a question of “a matter between governments. We made sure that everyone understands the difference between a private company and a government company ”.

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