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For healthy sleep, never eat this for dinner

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Healthy sleep is not a given and we should take care of it, advises the nutritionist Anastasia Gavrikova.

According to her, those who want healthy sleep, in the first place, should give up foods high in carbohydrates, as well as large portions. Overeating in the evening can be associated with a lack of breakfast and frequent snacks instead of wholesome meals throughout the day.

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“If you eat pasta with cheese and mayonnaise for dinner, and then drink tea with pastries, then it will be difficult for you to fall asleep. Your body does not need such amounts of carbohydrates, because you have to sleep at night, you do not need energy. Such heavy food is not digested. As a result, instead of resting, the body spends resources on recovery, “Gavrikova said.

The nutritionist also recommends a light dinner: stewed chicken with broccoli or cauliflower and to it to add a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, seasonal vegetables, herbs, lettuce and season with unrefined oil and pumpkin seeds. After such a dinner you will have lightness, you will be able to fall asleep “, Gavrikova is categorical.

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