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For healthy hair, here are the signs not to be underestimated and the remedies to counteract its fall

Very many tend, at least initially, to underestimate the fall of the hair. Yes, because if it is related to the change of season it is considered associated with an occasional phenomenon. However, it is important to take an interest in them salute, as there may be more serious aspects to consider.

Well, for healthy hair, here are the signs not to be underestimated and the remedies to counteract its fall. The causes of the latter can be more or less serious. Just think that in addition to the baldness, others could recur, such as: thyroid dysfunction, immune system alterations, dietary deficiencies. Or, even, it could arise from other pathologies, which require further investigations. In view of this, a dermatological examination with trichoscopy is necessary to understand the causes and intervene with appropriate therapies. Let’s now pass to examine which are the signals that should not be underestimated.

For hair full of health, here are the warning signs not to be underestimated and the remedies to counteract its fall

The first alarm signal is given by the thinning of the hair, typical of those with a genetic predisposition to alopecia. Therefore, in the presence of this signal, it is necessary to make the visit and examination indicated above, without waiting for the real receding hairline.

To counteract the fall, as far as possible, some healthy eating habits should be followed. First of all, a healthy and balanced diet, rich in fruit and vegetables, eggs and fish. Therefore, it would be advisable to ingest: proteins, vitamins and minerals, mainly. Furthermore, cigarette smoking is absolutely forbidden and hair must be protected from sunlight. Both of these last factors, producing free radicals, contrast with the growth and health of the hair.

Another important rule would be to eliminate any traces of gel and lacquer used, through washing. In this regard, it is good to know that the best shampoo is the one for frequent washing, delicate and the anti-hair loss one.

Causes of hair loss and remedies

When the cause of the fall derives from a disease or, worse still, it would be hereditary, it will be much more difficult to counter it. However, we must not forget to follow healthy habits, in order not to aggravate the situation or, in any case, to improve it.

So, in addition to the rules described above, we will indicate others:

1) reduce the use of hairdryers and avoid: plates, brushes and thermal curlers. This is because the heat weakens the hair proteins, making them brittle;

2) for the same reasons, avoid: perms and chemical straightening;

3) drastically reduce dyes and discolorations;

4) do not pull them too often, using rubber bands and clips;

5) use a brush made of natural fibers and brush from the bottom towards the ends;

6) every now and then, massage the scalp with egg oil, to increase arterial flow.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)—

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