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For fear of being contaminated by the Chinese virus, with “sneakers made in China” or by opening a package, they call “15”

The coronavirus “2019 n-CoV” was born … At least as much in epidemic reality as in the virality of the fears that circulate. Calls to the Puy-de-Dôme “15” center did not escalate due to suspected or proven cases in France (none in Auvergne). When the regulation overheats in this season, it is especially for classic winter epidemics, recalls Pr Jeannot Schmidt, head of the Samu-Smur / emergencies division.

Nevertheless, the Chinese virus has indeed made a remarkable arrival at the emergency standard. Evidenced by a liberal regulatory doctor that ethics requires to remain anonymous. “I’m coming out of a busy half-day. You would be surprised at the questions asked. “

Come on … Tell me, doctor.

For sneakers made in China

“My first call came from a young man who had just realized that his new sneakers were made in China. He called the 15th because he wanted to know what risk he would run by wearing them. The doctor replied most seriously in the world “nothing”. The beginning of a long series …

For a parcel posted in China

“Then I got a call from a woman in her thirties who ordered clothes online. She had just received the package, which came from China! Could she open it? “The doctor reassured her … but still advised her to” make sure there was no one inside. “

No coronavirus yet in Auvergne, but links with China do not exclude this possibility

Just to remind with humor that the virus is transmitted by contact or in the immediate vicinity of an infected person (at a distance from sneeze droplets, coughs, etc.).

Know it. Contagiousness would be identical to that of other respiratory viruses (flu, RSV): from person to person infected, by sneezing, sputum, cough, even contact (eg hand after sneezing).
Precautions. Same as flu: disposable handkerchiefs, cough / sneeze into your sleeve, wear a mask if symptoms …Disease. Uncertainties due to lack of perspective. Its transmission speed is estimated to be between 8 and 10 days, possible contagiousness during incubation (estimated between 4 and 7 days?). If you have febrile symptoms, and if you were in China less than 15 days ago (or if you are in contact with someone who returns within this period). Call the doctor or “15” without going through his office or emergency room.

To avoid being contaminated by his television …

Next call. “A gentleman who was returning from Beijing. Asymptomatic, he still wanted to know if he should be quarantined at home. The doctor allowed him to go and fill his fridge: “I still told him to call dare-dare if he had any symptoms. “

Another was afraid of being infected with his new television from China, when the next wanted to know “how do you get infected”.

“It will ramp up, inevitably. I’m going back to regulation: I have to prepare myself ”.

A regulatory doctor at center 15 in Puy-de-Dôme

More seriously, the doctor notes a real concern in the population. “You have to send the message that objects are not contagious, unless they come out of a mouth!” He reminds that regulation is obviously available to worried people.

“There is no such thing as a stupid question about risk. But people must know how to spare the medical means available. He invites us not to dramatize. “In France, we are still much more likely to die from the flu when we are not vaccinated. “

Anne Bourges
[email protected]

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