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For example, FC Groningen seduced Robben to return NOW

With a surprise visit in Munich, in the middle of corona time, the board of FC Groningen seduced Arjen Robben to return. The 96-time international of Orange returns to the club where he made his debut twenty years ago a year after his retirement as a professional.

May 21, around 4.30 am, Mark-Jan Fledderus and Wouter Gudde got into the car in Groningen. The technical director and general manager of FC Groningen drove about 850 kilometers to Munich to surprise Arjen Robben.

“Arjen had indicated that he would like to do something for FC Groningen,” Fledderus told a press conference on Sunday at the Hitachi Capital Mobility Stadium. “Then I went to consult with Gudde and the outcome was that we wanted to persuade him to play for our club again.”

“We contacted his wife Bernadien. Without Arjen knowing, we drove to Munich to surprise him at lunchtime.”

The hours-long journey to southern Germany, in the middle of the corona period, did not go entirely smoothly. “When we had to refuel, it turned out that you had to wear a mask in a gas station in Germany,” said Fledderus. “We didn’t have it with us, but luckily I had a hoody in the back of the car that I could keep in my mouth.”

Robben and Fledderus on Sunday at the stadium of FC Groningen. (Photo: Pro Shots)

Watching The Last Dance with sushi

Robben, 36, responded in surprise and received a warm welcome from the directors of Groningen. “He ordered sushi from Munich’s best restaurant, it was really delicious,” said Fledderus.

“We then told our story, with a video compilation of the documentary The Last Dance about former basketball player Michael Jordan and images of Robben himself. His way of sports experience and drive is comparable to that of Jordan. For example, we have shown what we think Robben can mean for FC Groningen. Arjen got a good feeling about that. We saw that. “

Fledderus and Gudde left home with the leftovers of the sushi for the way back. Robben thought about the future for a week and decided to accept the offer of his old club.

“That is very special, of course,” said Fledderus. “Arjen has become champion everywhere; in the Netherlands, England, Spain and Germany. He has won the Champions League and decided the final. That he then chooses to return to Groningen, says a lot about the man and enthusiast he Arjen has remained very ordinary. “

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