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For elementary students … Health launches a campaign of “intestinal worms” in schools

The Minister of Health and Population, Dr. Hala Zayed, announced the launch of the national campaign to eliminate intestinal worms for elementary school and kindergarten students, both Egyptians and non-Egyptians residing on the land of Egypt free of charge.

Launching a campaign to eliminate intestinal worms in the primary school stage:

This will take place at the level of schools in all governorates of the Republic, and it starts from November 8 to November 19, and Dr. Khaled Mujahid, the Ministry of Health and Population spokesperson, explained that this campaign aims to administer doses of Albendazole.

And it has about 15 million students in primary school and kindergartens in all schools, whether governmental, private or floral, and that drug is a single tablet that is easy to chew and swallow and is safe and effective and has no side effects.

Dr. Khaled Mujahid added that infection with intestinal parasites, especially Ascaris and Axiol worms, which are pinworms, is more prevalent among children from the age of 4 to 12 years, and children of school age are the most vulnerable to infection with these worms.

The excursor worms are infected due to lack of concern for personal hygiene and unhealthy practices, and it is easily transmitted through contaminated hands and causes abdominal pain with vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite with weight loss, anemia, general weakness with lack of concentration.

Paying attention to personal hygiene, with constantly trimming nails and washing hands before and after eating, is one of the most important ways to prevent diseases, and vegetables must be washed well before and after eating, and foods must be preserved.

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