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For diabetics … a doctor shows the two best types of fruit that should be eaten every day. Free al-Marsad newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Alexander Myasnikov revealed that eating pears and apples has an amazing effect on diabetes, due to the low level of natural sugar, according to the Vesti Row website.

Myasnikov said that the glycemic index in apples and pears is very low, and this is especially important for diabetics. This means that apples and pears do not cause a sharp and rapid jump in blood glucose levels. In addition, it is rich in dietary fiber, which improves bowel function.

He pointed out that the dietary fiber found in pears is very beneficial, especially for the intestinal microbiome, because it feeds beneficial bacteria and reduces inflammation in the walls of blood vessels.

Myasnikov advised adding apples and pears to the daily diet.

2024-08-29 09:46:52

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