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For definition “no content of the original”… Opposition party to submit request for national aid


The opposition party’s offensive continues even after the Ministry of Industry disclosed related documents, saying that it was not the government’s official position regarding the suspicion of nuclear power in North Korea. It is also said that the USB file that was handed over to North Korea was disclosed, but candidate Eui-yong Chung, who was the head of the National Security Office of the Blue House at the time, refuted that there was no content about the nuclear power plant. The opposition party is planning to issue a request for a national investigation today (3rd) in relation to this allegation.

This is Ko Seung-hyuk reporter.


Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon’s speech at the parliamentary bargaining group continued the North Korean nuclear battle.

[이낙연/더불어민주당 대표 : 요즘 제1야당 지도자들이 넘어서는 안 되는 선을 넘었습니다. 낡은 북풍 공작으로 국민을 현혹하려 하는 국민 모독을 끝냅시다.]

Representative Lee Nak-yeon, who served as prime minister at the time of the inter-Korean summit, said President Moon Jae-in ordered not to speed up the follow-up measures of the summit, and said that there was no nuclear power plant promotion.

The power of the people demanded that Chairman Kim Jong-un disclose the contents of the USB file.

He urged the government to clarify who was instructed by the nuclear power plant documents released by the Ministry of Industry.

[김기현/국민의힘 의원 (BBS 라디오 ‘박경수의 아침저널’) : 절대로 원전에 대해 용납하지 않겠다는 이 정권에서 실무자들이 자기 죽을 짓 하면서 했겠느냐? 컨트롤타워에서 지시가 떨어졌다. 조사하지 않을 수 없는 거죠.]

The Blue House said that the nuclear power plant project has not been reviewed at the government level.

Jeong Moo-seok Choi Jae-seong said, “I checked myself and found that there was neither an ever raised to the meeting agenda nor reported to the Blue House.”

In particular, the opposition party said it could review the USB disclosure if it could be held accountable.

[최재성/청와대 정무수석 (MBC 라디오 ‘김종배의 시선집중’) : 반드시 야당이 책임을 지겠다고 걸면 (USB 공개) 그건 저희들이 면밀히 검토할 수 있다. 선거용 색깔론이 아니면 야당도 명운을 걸어야 되는 것 아닙니까?]

However, the Blue House maintains that it is inappropriate to disclose USB files due to diplomatic and security customs.

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