I was born in Dunakeszi, I made friends here, I finished elementary school and high school here, but I had to move to get my diploma. First to Gyöngyös, then after years as a border guard in Kanizsa to Budapest to the dormitory of the College of Drama (now University).
After that I played in many theaters in the country. These years were the happiest periods of my life, but unfortunately they also came with the fact that I was separated from my local friends and missed everything that happened here in Dunakeszin, Alagon. Then came the family, (another happiest period) which we know, if we want to do well, is also quite time-consuming. However, with the children becoming independent, the opportunity came again to rebuild relationships, form new ones and discover everything that is going on around me. They help a lot in this pub cultural activities. Many of us get together on these occasions, the atmosphere is great, we share valuable thoughts and knowledge and discuss exciting things. That’s how I realized how little I know about the place where I live. I can pretty much see the present, I can guess the future, but it is certain that the values of the past hide a wonderful world.
Over the years, the city has become more and more beautiful and livable, and the dynamics of its development are constantly accelerating, which is why a lot of people have moved to us. As in me, the need arose in others to learn as much as possible about our habitat.
This realization led my friends to an idea that eventually led to the creation of the Alag Galopp Foundation, whose chairmanship was conferred on me. One of the assumed tasks of the foundation is to reveal the values of the previously mentioned “wonderful world” and present them to the public. All this from Alag’s point of view.
Today, horse racing is one of the most important elements of our equestrian culture, because it is a living tradition to this day. If we know who created it – here in Alagon – at the cost of a lot of sacrifices, costs and work, luring here the world’s most serious professional and sports people, creating the entire infrastructure of the sport, accumulating enormous knowledge. If we recall their stories, we can learn about examples that can motivate us and our descendants at all times. We want to share this heritage with you at our events, along with lots of knowledge and experiences about the sport.
The first Alag Galopp evening on April 25 in the mansion clubhouse at Nándori út. 4 will be from 6:00 p.m.
The evenings will be held on the last Thursday of every month, excluding the summer months. We welcome everyone to the event.
The foundation was created by a wonderful idea. What if we set up a life-size equestrian statue at the “Gate of the Basement”, in the roundabout? With the statue, we would erect a monument that reflects Alag’s past and present and enhances its tourist attraction.
Our plans include organizing a foundation ball during the fall.
We will soon appear on social media and on the website, taking advantage of every available opportunity and providing timely information about our events and activities. (Thanks to Dunakeszi Polgár for this announcement!)
It is now a scientifically proven fact that the length of a person’s life spent in good mental health is directly proportional to the existence of a community that includes, accepts and supports the person, be it family, friends or our largest community, our country. In order to live a long, happy life, we need community.
I trust that the activities of the Alag Galopp Foundation will contribute to strengthening the community of Dunakeszi and improving our mental environment.
Thanks for reading:
Géza Kaszás
President of the Alag Galopp Foundation