Wednesday 8 May, at 8.45pm will be held at the wine shop “The Ostinate at the Cathedral”, in via Duomo 39 a Salernothe 17th event of the cycle “A wine/a book” which will have as its title “The wind of Syria”. which will be dedicated to the greatest exponents of contemporary Syrian poetry, from the very famous Adonis e Maram Al-Masri (poet who had already come to Salerno), a Abu Attayyeb, Aisha Arnout, Faraj Flaggdar, Firas Sulamain, Hello Mohammad, Mohammed Assaf, Nazi Abu Afash, Nizar Qabbani, Nouri Al Jarrah, Osama Esber, Faithful Laila and Italian Valentina Meloni which has dedicated much of its production to Syria.
These are poignant lyrics dedicated to feelings, love, nostalgia, but also to war and the desperation of a people who for years have been experiencing two tragedies simultaneously: that of war and that of emigration. But, beyond its tragedies, Syria is a land with a glorious past and a rich and intense literary present, made up of writers and poets who have composed wonderful verses. We imagined that a powerful wind, the Wind of Syria, brought their verses here, to give us the opportunity to read them in public.
The evening will be led by the teacher Simona Rocco and by Dr Roberto Pellecchia who will engage in readings and comments on the proposed works.
#winea #book #wind #Syria #blows
– 2024-05-03 13:34:28