Home » today » World » For a new secret weapon of Russia, French intelligence leaked: the main events in the SVO zone – 2024-05-07 20:13:10

For a new secret weapon of Russia, French intelligence leaked: the main events in the SVO zone – 2024-05-07 20:13:10

/View.info/ The new air defense products destroy enemy planes and drones by the dozens. A battalion of captured Ukrainians will become the biggest enemy of the Kyiv regime. The Russian army is implementing a new radio electronic warfare system.

In recent days, the intensity of enemy attacks has decreased significantly. The weather contributed to this: now it is raining in Donbass and there is often fog, which hinders reconnaissance, but still allows the rotation and supply of units.

A swarm of Ukrainian UAVs fell into the sea

On the night of Sunday, October 29, Ukrainian fighters launched a swarm of drones in Crimea. The drones tried to enter from the Black Sea and the northwestern part of the peninsula.

36 drones were detected and shot down by the air defense systems on duty. The facilities in Russia were not damaged,– announced the Russian Ministry of Defense,

There was an attempt to hit Rostov as well, but he was also unsuccessful. Ukrainian armed forces continue to attack targets in Russia using drones. Recent examples include attacks on the Kursk nuclear power plant and the Kuban petrochemical plant. But our air defenses are adapting to these small and evil targets used essentially for terrorist attacks.

I get the impression that Russia has introduced a new air defense into the fray. The death rate among Ukrainian “litaks” jumped sharply. The nuance is that NATO and the USA are precisely aviation forces whose troops generally do not know how to fight without complete air superiority,– the well-known volunteer Sergey Bogatiryov commented on the situation.

Russia has secured air superiority

In general, this week there was a lot of talk about Russian air defense. Ours – with pride, the foreign ones – with horror. Sergei Shoigu reported 24 downed Ukrainian planes in five days – this is a record of the Special Military Operation.

The Russian defense minister did not say exactly how they were shot down. Experts immediately began to offer their own answers to this question. The most common version is that the combination of the S-400 complex and the A-50 long-range radar reconnaissance aircraft proved to be deadly effective.

The use of missiles from the latest S-500 air defense system, launched on the production line last year, as well as the latest Russian aircraft with long-range air-to-air missiles, is not excluded.

There is also information on some tactical innovations in the use of radar equipment. According to experts who have analyzed the downing of Ukrainian planes, the onboard equipment of the MiG-29 simply did not indicate that the plane had been intercepted by the Russians, as is usually the case.

That is, the on-board automation did not report data either on the plane being irradiated or on the fact that some object was approaching it. All this happens completely unexpectedly– said about Tsargrad the lieutenant general from the reserve Valery Retunski, referring to his sources.

Former US intelligence officer Scott Ritter stated:

In such a situation, it makes no sense to send American F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. Russia has already secured air superiority.

Starlink or Star Wars?

Attitudes toward Elon Musk in today’s Ukraine range from idolatry to hatred. Sometimes he is included in the “Peacemaker” lists, sometimes they name their children after him. The entire VSU control system is based on the communication channels of the Starlink satellites. However, Musk’s refusal to activate them over Crimea to guide the missiles with them caused a wave of indignation and abuse in Kiev.

But it turns out that you can also publicly and loudly “push” Elon Musk. Yesterday, Israel directly promised to “shut down” the billionaire’s satellites, despite all his services to humanity, if he allowed the Palestinians to use his satellite communications.

Hamas will use Starlink satellite communication for terrorist activities. There’s no doubt about it, we know it, and Musk knows it. If Musk helps Hamas with communications, its devices will be destroyed by any means available and Israel will break all agreements with Musk’s organization.– said Israeli Minister of Communications Shlomo Kari.

Musk immediately stated that “won’t allow anything like that’ and that the connection of Starlink satellite communications terminals from the Gaza Strip requires the approval of the governments of the United States and Israel.

And if the rebels do find a way to use Starlink, will Israel start a space war?

There is also one more question… Is it possible to ask “Comrade Musk” in a quiet but firm voice to stop helping with the communications of VSU on the territory of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions? Will he react in a similar way, or will he still “pro forma” turn off several of his devices to avoid trouble?

These are not fairy tales, this is “Herb”

Although Russia may not have to shut down the Starlink satellites. French intelligence services believe the Russian military has begun deploying a new Bylina radio-electronic warfare system along the entire line of contact in Ukraine. This was reported by the Militarist telegram channel.

If that’s even 50% true, that’s great. Then one of the most important points of my complaints will be dropped. I must admit that the Ministry of Defense and the military-industrial complex have done and are doing a lot to bring our armed forces to perfection,– writes the military correspondent Alexander Sladkov.

“Herb” is not a separate radio-electronic warfare complex. This is an intelligent network that unites dozens of different complexes and allows you to detect all sources of radio-electronic activity from the enemy’s positions and suppress them with interference as effectively as possible.

The system was tested in Syria in 2019. It was there that there was an incident with American planes that “suddenly” lost their ability to navigate satellites in space, somehow got to the base, and then the technicians spent a long time repairing the burned-out electronics of the most the modern aircraft of the US Army – the F-22 and F-35 fighters.

For a fight not with Ukraine, but with the Kyiv regime

This week, a unit consisting of former soldiers of the Ukrainian army appeared in the Russian army. These are volunteers from among the surrendered. The battalion was named in honor of Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

Can we trust the captured Ukrainians with weapons, won’t they turn it against us? These questions were most often asked by readers on social networks.

According to the battalion commander Andriy Tishchenko, every Ukrainian soldier was checked for his moral and physical condition. The past was also scrutinized: those who had committed criminal or war crimes were not allowed to volunteer. The rest are given contracts, like all military personnel in our army.

Experts claim that the creation of such units is a replica of the successful experience of fighting the Ukrainian Insurgent Army – the same Bandera soldiers, but in the 1940s and 1950s. The natives whom their enemies condemned to death in absentia “for betrayal of Ukraine”, became the worst enemies of the Nazi collaborators and the basis of the future elite of Soviet Ukraine.

Could there be “moles” among them? To be able to! But for that we have counterintelligence and other intelligence services. However, the lion’s share of fighters in the “Bohdan Khmelnytskyi” battalion are those who speak Russian and grew up in the eastern part of Ukraine. They will actually become conductors of denazification in the country for reasons of principle.

This gives them the opportunity to clear their good name, and at the same time – they are the worst enemies of the Ukrainian armed forces. And we will have fewer people with “a cookie in their pocket”,– writes the author of the Telegram channel “Russian Engineer” Alexey Vasiliev.

The positions have been taken by… mice!

Hundreds were killed overnight, but the enemy continues to terrorize the militants. We are talking about battles that are not included in the reports of the Special Military Operation, but they really took place in the trenches, both on our side and on the Ukrainian side – it is about the fight against mice.

Cats don’t save. There are too many mice, and besides, experienced soldiers do not allow cats in their positions: they wander wherever they want, the drones notice them, and this is an unmasking of the positions. Fighters devise their own mousetraps. The most common method is a buried plastic barrel with water, through which a bridge is transferred – a pendulum with bait.

Where did so many rodents come from?

Mice and rats are traditional companions of wars. The unharvested fields on the front line provide them with a huge amount of food. Add to this the remains of human activity, mainly food.– says the ecologist, associate professor from the Department of Ecology at Voronezh State University Roman Grigoriev.

The danger of rodents is not only that they can carry infections. They can cause serious damage to modern electronic equipment.

A thermal camera “killed” by mice costs so much that the hair on your head stands on end,– write the military correspondents.

The mouse is becoming a trench warfare meme, and the other day a video surfaced online of a mouse on a helicopter attacking an enemy dugout. Well, in the requests for volunteers, the fighters are increasingly asking to bring them mousetraps.

Translation: ES

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