This one Fantasic Beastsmovies can be seen as precursors to the well-known Harry Potter films and follows the story of Newt Scamander, a researcher of magical creatures. With this second part of the series, fans get a glimpse into the past of Dumbledore (Jude Law) and his arch-rival Grindelwald (Johnny Depp), who is often talked about in the books.
Although the film adds an extra dimension to the universe of Harry Potter the film was not received very enthusiastically. Thus, the story and especially the ending was not passed by all Potterheads appreciated. The expectation is that the third part, which recently went back into full production, will make up for a lot. Who thought the story of Fantastic Beasts almost over, is disappointed. In addition to the third part, parts four and five have already been announced.
JK Rowling, who is the world of Harry Potter came up with a lot of fire recently. Below you can see everything about it.