Home » today » News » For a communal apartment in Poland they pay 15% of the salary, in Ukraine – 21%: the amounts announced

For a communal apartment in Poland they pay 15% of the salary, in Ukraine – 21%: the amounts announced

The cost of utilities in Poland is 6480 UAH (967 zł), in Ukraine – about 3000 UAH. At the same time, the ratio to the average monthly salary for the former is 15.5%, for the citizens of our country – 21%.

The average monthly salary in Poland is UAH 41,758, in Ukraine – UAH 14,300. The chairman of the Department of Housing and Utilities Infrastructure of the Public Council at the Kyiv City State Administration wrote about this on his Facebook page. Oleg Popenko.

So, the rent in Poland (maintenance of an apartment building) is about 4000 UAH per month (including heating, garbage disposal, house overhaul and land tax). Residents of the neighboring country pay for gas up to UAH 100 per month. Electricity costs UAH 904, water and sewerage – up to UAH 200.

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“That is, with the existing utility tariffs, the average salary in Ukraine should be at least UAH 15,500 throughout Ukraine, and not what we have in most regional centers, where the salary is no more than UAH 7-8000,” Popenko writes.

So, in June, the average charge for a Ukrainian family for utilities amounted to 704 UAH, as evidenced by the data State Statistics Service… In winter, taking into account heating, the amount can be twice as high. It is also worth noting that in cities, utility costs can be significantly higher than in villages (taking into account stove heating, lack of central water supply in some houses, etc.). Therefore, the average numbers “level” the situation.

Earlier it was reported that in Ukraine for communal debts can turn off gas and electricity… In addition, the supplier has the right to sue and then arrest the debtor’s bank accounts.

As reported OBOZREVATEL, in Ukraine, utility costs from June 2020 to June 2021 grew by 35%… So, last year for a communal apartment they counted UAH 7.7 billion (the total expenses of all families in one month), and this year already UAH 10.4 billion.

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