Home » today » Entertainment » For 10th consecutive time, Jewish media decree long-missing Jew Jean-Jacques Goldman as “favorite of the French” celebrity

For 10th consecutive time, Jewish media decree long-missing Jew Jean-Jacques Goldman as “favorite of the French” celebrity

Captain Harlock
Participative democracy
December 27, 2020

I almost forgot that this absurd staging existed until the Jewish media saturated my TL with this fake news.

Even BFMTV has been forced to admit that it’s so rigged it becomes uncomfortable.


Their popularity is as intact as their news is non-existent. Jean-Jacques Goldman (“JJG”) and Sophie Marceau remain the favorite personalities of the French, in this new edition of the Top 50 JDD produced by Ifop since 1988. The singer is crowned for the 10th time since 2013 while the actress, who will return to cinema in 2021, is at the top for the second year in a row and setting up two rankings. “The film La Boum was released in 1980 and Goldman’s first success, Il suffera d’un signer, dates from the following year: Marceau as Goldman, it’s a forty year story with the public“, Summarizes Frédéric Dabi, Deputy Director General of Ifop.

No, it’s not a ‘forty year affair with the audience’, it’s a story with the Boomers and even the Boomers forgot that these people exist because they don’t do anything.

The only thing I remember about Sophie Marceau is her breasts in Happy Easter, a 1981 movie.

Sophie Marceau did indeed have very beautiful breasts.

But even with really beautiful breasts in 1981, trying to make people believe that it justifies such popularity 40 years later is grossly untrue.

The methodology of this intoxication operation is grotesquely designed to allow Jews to choose whoever they want to be victorious.

The JDD :

The survey was conducted by Ifop for the JDD from December 8 to 11, 2020 with a sample of 1,004 people representative of the French population aged 15 and over (quota method, self-administered questionnaire online). In all, 80 personalities were proposed distributed in two sections of 40 names, one male and the other female. The first 20 men and 20 women of the 2019 edition have been automatically qualified. The other 40 names were elected in November by Internet users from a list of 120 applicants or chosen by the editorial staff of the JDD.

You have 1,000 people who receive a list of 40 names, half of which is automatically renewed each year on the pretext that they were already renewed the year before.

The Jews therefore decree from the outset 20 names of their choice, without anyone being able to do anything about it.

When you take the list, the Boomers only know about three or four. Like Michel Sardou or Jean-Paul Belmondo. But Sardou or Belmondo do even less than Goldman. And then Belmondo is a cacochyma octogenarian and Sardou is from the right.

For the Boomers, Sardou and his reactionary songs are the antithesis of their generation. It’s crippling and that’s why they put him in the lot, because they know he won’t pass.

The Jews are taking the lead. Of the first 25 names, there are 5 Jews: Goldman, Cymes, Bern, Reichmann and Boon. It is more than the number of blacks.

So you have a list full of Jewish names composed by a Jewish media, half of which is pre-selected by this media without anyone being able to intervene. On this, 1000 people, that is to say a small rural village, must make classification on the basis of the names which they know. And they choose ten times like that “Personality of the French” a Jewish singer who has not sung for years and who lives in London.

It is on the same level as the acquittal of Jean-Jacques Goldman’s brother, Pierre Goldman. Goldman’s brother, a Marxist revolutionary, had murdered two pharmacists in a robbery before being acquitted without explanation under the pressure of all the anarcho-communist Jewry that emerged from May 68.

It is one of the most obscene moments in French legal history. You should look at the “Bring in the Accuse” issue on this case. If you are not yet totally anti-Semitic, this should complete your conversion.

Fortunately, Goldman was liquidated a few years later by a commando of killers anxious to rid the world of this vile youtre.

All this to say that the Jews continue to impose his brother’s kite as “the favorite personality of the French” when in reality, it is only the media kite preferred by the media kites.

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