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Footsteps of Abdul Latip who beat Ade Armando before leaving for Jakarta


Polda Metro Jaya is hunting for Abdul Latip, a suspect in the case of molestation Ade Armando during the April 11 demonstration in front of the DPR building, Jakarta. Abdul Latip had asked his family for Rp. 30 thousand to repair the motorbike.

Reporting from detikJabar, Wednesday (13/4/2022), Abdul Latip’s footsteps have been mysterious since he left for Jakarta to work until suddenly the netizen’s camera caught him and said he was involved in persecution. Notes compiled by detikJabar, the family itself does not know how and where is Abdul Latip’s current position.

“Don’t know where he is, there is no news whether he was arrested or secured or what. Parents are confused about leaving the house, he said 5 days ago, there is no information. If (about Abdul Latip’s viral photo), parents already know but they also I’m still confused, how come it’s like this,” said the fine of the Head of Trantib, Tegalbuleud District, Tuesday (12/4/2022). Abdul Latip is a resident of Panaruban Village, Tegalbuleud Village/District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java.

The matter of the departure time was then straightened out by the fine, according to the family’s statement, Abdul Latip said goodbye since Sunday (3/4) or one week before it was caught on camera involved in the persecution in Jakarta which led to the determination of the suspect. The family is said to have no knowledge of the suspect’s determination.

The fine said that information from Abdul’s family had asked for Rp. 30 thousand. At that time he reasoned that the money would be used to repair his motorbike. However, until he left for Jakarta the motorbike was still parked at the house of one of his relatives.

“After saying goodbye, it disappeared without news, the family said that he was only given 30 thousand money, he said to repair the motorbike. But he didn’t take the motorbike, he disappeared. The motorbike was deposited with his brother in Panaruban Village,” explained Fines.

Read more here.

(idh / tor)

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