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Football: “You can’t send people to the slaughterhouse like that” – News Sports: Football

Will we be able to resume the Super League season starting June 8? While the Swiss Football League has reiterated its desire to find its way back to the Super and Challenge League lawns (as far as sanitary conditions allow), fewer and fewer people believe this scenario, a scenario that Christian Constantin has always fought.

“Before imagining a potential recovery, there are serious steps to take. Many of the issues to be resolved have not yet been resolved. The truth is that we’re in the dark. You can’t send people to the slaughterhouse like that, just because you have to start training again. “

Have waivers signed?

First, there is the problem of the calendar, with a supposed resumption of collective training from May 11 according to the new directives of the Federal Council. For the green light concerning the possible resumption of matches, it will however have to wait until May 27.

“It is ridiculous to want to put players in training before you even know if they can play or not,” he said. The Berne decisions are not a marching order for the troop. Legally, it would also be a good idea to have waivers signed by everyone involved, including the arbitrators, so that they can work. ”

So the boss of FC Sion does not rule out forbidding his players to return to the training grounds before the deadline of May 27. “It is far too premature. When we know if we can replay, then we will start to prepare to play. “

No more visibility

For the boss of FC Sion, the outstanding issues are as much legal and economic as health. “Who has the competence to say if we have to start again?” (He asked). Whoever makes this decision will also have to take the risks. Now, who is ready today to send people to the scaffold? Is it up to the League, as the championship organizer, to decide? Financially, the clubs no longer have any visibility. Only the recourse to technical unemployment allows us to save 65% of our expenses. If we were to no longer be able to use it, the worst would be to be feared. ” If nothing should move on the side of the SFL, Christian Constantin intends to convene an extraordinary assembly of the League, with the support of other presidents, as of next week.

In the protocol for the resumption of football activity as it was imagined by the SFL, other gray areas remain, and not the least. “What do we do with the tests and who pays for them?” All this requires prior cantonal authorizations. ”

What about friendlies?

For the president of FC Sion, there is finally reason to address the disturbing question of friendly matches. “It will be in the best of cases from June 8, resumes CC. It would then be necessary to guarantee sufficient preparation time to make up for fifteen weeks of stoppage. If I were a player, I would not agree to restart a championship without a reasonable preparation time. As long as everything is settled by then. In particular the situation of the players at the end of the contract as of June 30. ”

As we can see, the brakes on a possible resumption of the championship are more and more numerous. Especially for those who oppose it.

Nicolas Jacquier

Created: 02.05.2020, 10h37

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