Both cursed and appreciated. Qatar hosted the first football championship in an Arab and Muslim country. But long before the start, faced suspicions of alleged corruption in the 2010 FIFA elections, the Conservative government regime is constantly criticized for human rights violations. According to foreign media, more than 6,000 foreign workers from surrounding impoverished states are said to have died during the construction of the infrastructure for the championship.
The championship in Qatar went down in history as the most expensive ever, and due to the high temperatures, the championship had to be held in the winter for the first time during the championship and not in the summer after it concluded.
At the same time, Qataris have earned praise for their high level of organisation, and fans particularly appreciated the fact that the entire championship was held entirely in and around Doha.
Montage of the match for 3rd place at the World Cup in Qatar. Croatia won over Morocco Czech television
Qatar previously hosted the Athletics Championships in 2019, and in addition to the World Cup, it also hosted the 2032 Summer Olympics. But Brisbane, Australia, will eventually host them.