Koula-Moutou, February 21, 2024 (AGP) – Planned to be held for several months, the ordinary assembly of the Ogooué-Lolo football league finally took place last weekend in Koula-Moutou. At the end of this meeting, several recommendations were made, including the revaluation of the subsidy to 20 million instead of 10 million CFA francs.
After more than two hours of debates, the delegates, taking part in the said assembly, issued several recommendations. They opted for zonal competitions, taking into account the state of the roads in the province, as well as the holding of assemblies in each locality, the organization of sporting activities within their radius of action and above all the transmission of progress reports. league activities
As proposals, the delegates requested an increase in the subsidy from ten (10) million to 20 million CFA francs, to enable better organization of activities in the provinces. On this aspect, the vice-president in charge of provincial leagues, Armand Mouloungui, said that the question was discussed by the federation office. However, he will pass it on to whomever it concerns.
The president of the league was satisfied with the holding of this meeting, while indicating the resilience of activities in the province, at the time when his team was elected at the head of the said league. The latter made a brief assessment of the management of the subsidy, including the training of referees, the creation and renewal of departmental sub-leagues.
On the site where the offices of the provincial football league will be built.
The guided tour of the emissary of the Gabonese Football Federation (Fégafoot) to the site where the offices of the provincial league will be built, closed the activities of this ordinary general assembly, whose championship begins in the coming days.