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Football OL – OL: Garcia, Juninho, Houllier, maximum tension in Lyon – Olympique Lyonnais

No European Cup, no trophy on the horizon, delicate management of players and transfers, the era of Rudi Garcia does not raise the crowds in Lyon.

The French technician was already starting late given his past as an OM coach, but it is, as in Marseille, his attitude is clearly not unanimous. If Rudi Garcia still has the support of Jean-Michel Aulas and Juninho officially, the story is different behind the scenes. Indeed, on Youtube, Romain Molina reveals some indiscretions on the management of the troops on the part of the coach of the OL, whose methods provoke strong tensions internally. And again, the insider does not let go …

« You have a lot of tension, even between Gueida Fofana (coach of the reserve) and Rudi Garcia. I will pass the nickname of Rudi Garcia for a lot of employees, because it is forbidden at least 18 years old. But it’s always the same idea, we tell you it’s always from behind. There have been folk transfers, the club is totally divided. Juninho is completely isolated. It is very problematic. You will see that as soon as there is a problem, Juninho will take it in the face. It is the ideal target. Today, we are trying to make believe that Rudi Garcia is Juninho. I refer you to an interview with Garcia where he said that it was Gérard Houllier who called him “, Explained Romain Molina, who is not the first to explain that the former coach of the France team is pulling the strings in the shadows at OL.

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