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Football – Offenbach am Main – Fortuna Düsseldorf is not naked in Offenbach – sport

Offenbach (dpa) – As expected, Fortuna Düsseldorf has reached the second round of the DFB Cup. The second division soccer team won 4: 1 (1: 0) at fourth division team Kickers Offenbach on Saturday evening. The goals in front of 16,600 spectators at the Bieberer Berg were scored for the highly efficient Rhinelanders by former Bundesliga professional Daniel Ginczek (71st minute/79th), André Hoffmann (33rd) and Kristoffer Peterson (54th). Jakob Lemmer scored for the strong playing hosts (57th).

The first 20 minutes belonged to the dedicated and offensive underdog. The Kickers attacked the Düsseldorfers early on, played physically robust and did not let the favorites find their way into his game. Captain Hoffmann used the first opportunity to flatter the guests after a corner by Nicolas Gavory. That gave Fortuna security. Offenbach nevertheless remained snappy.

After the restart, the OFC came out of the dressing room with a flourish and had two good chances through Lucas Hermes (50th/53rd). But in the middle of the home side’s small phase of pressure, Düsseldorf increased to 2-0 after an exemplary counterattack by Peterson.

But Offenbach didn’t let that discourage him and scored the deserved connection just a few minutes later. Lemmer scored from close range after substitute Dejan Bozic had previously headed the crossbar. A little later Bozic had the equalizer on his feet, but his lob just missed. Ginczek then made everything clear with his individual class.

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