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Football, Liverpool | Klopp’s prayer to Liverpool fans: – You have to celebrate with your head

Liverpool manager Jürgen Klopp knows the fans have been waiting for the title party for 30 years, but encourages everyone to think about infection control as they celebrate.

Liverpool supporters have been waiting for years to finally win the Premier League trophy again. This season the club managed the feat for the first time since 1990, but it happened in a season where the corona virus marked the end.

After securing the gold medal when Chelsea beat Manchester City last week, thousands of supporters gathered in Liverpool’s streets to celebrate. In addition to the fact that the celebration was challenging purely contagious, a fire broke out at the Liver building and 34 people were injured, three of them serious, the BBC reports.

In an open letter to the fans, published in the local newspaper Liverpool Echo, the club’s German manager now writes that he did not exactly like the scenes that stretched when the gold was celebrated.


– I am a human being and their passion is also my passion, but right now the most important thing is that we do not have such public celebrations. We owe that to the most vulnerable in our community, the health care workers who have given so much and who we have applauded, and the police and local authorities who help us as a club, Klopp writes.

– Celebrate, but celebrate in a way that is safe and in a private setting where we do not risk spreading this cruel disease further in our society, he continues.

The letter draws attention to social media, and Liverpool fans praise the manager for the gesture. Norwegian football experts have also noticed the letter:

The Premier League end was postponed when the corona virus shut down football around Europe, and some speculated that Liverpool could actually miss the title if the season couldn’t be played.

Superb league title

But as the season got underway again, nothing could stop Liverpool from taking a superb league title. The really big celebration, like when John Arne Riise and co. won the Champions League in 2005, however, it will be nothing in Liverpool.

– If things were different, there was nothing I liked more than celebrating together, having a parade that was even bigger than when we won the Champions League last year, so we could share this special moment. But that’s just not possible, Klopp writes.

Liverpool face Manchester City in their next match next Thursday.

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