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Football: “If I bite your girlfriend when you’re with or after, it’s not the same” – Sports News: Football

Without going so far as to speak of a declaration of war, it is little more than a neighborhood quarrel that has broken out in recent days between Neuchâtel Xamax and FC Sion.

The first spark left Valais, with the repatriation to Tourbillon of Geoffroy Serey Die, under contract until May 31 in Neuchâtel.

At the end of the week, the Rouge et Noir hired the services of the Sédunois Johan Djourou and Xavier Kouassi, dismissed two months earlier from the workforce by Christian Constantin.

The Valais answer was not long: in the process, we learned that the xamaxian striker Gaëtan Karlen followed in the footsteps of Serey Die and also passed from one camp to another.

A situation which immediately takes on an additional dimension when we take a look at the classification, where only four points separate Sion, 8th, from Neuchâtel, barrage specialist. So, does the struggle between the two Romands really have no limits? And what should we expect between now and the recovery, on June 19? Jean-François Collet, owner of Xamax, gives his answers.

Now that we are fixed on the end of the season and the regulations around the contracts, should we be worried about Xamax?

I believe that from now on, we must move forward, be positive. When it comes to the state of our workforce, I cannot give details yet. We are currently meeting with all the players to find the best solution and complete this exercise as best as possible.

So are you going to extend the dozen items whose contract expires?

This is the direction in which our discussions are going, yes. We try to keep everyone. Initially until the end of August. Then we will take stock.

You gave yourself some air by recruiting Johan Djourou and Xavier Kouassi. In what states of form and mind do they arrive?

Regarding the form, these are two professionals, who have a reputation for being serious at this level. I’m not worried. As for the attitude, the feeling that I have so far, I am very satisfied. We contacted them shortly after their ouster from FC Sion, we have been talking together for a while. The proposal submitted to them is very correct, but they made no fuss. It says a lot about their motivation to help us hang this posture.

You must admit that between Xamax and Sion, the atmosphere is not frankly beautiful …

My idea was never to go to war against FC Sion. If I wanted that, I would have tried to solicit a player under contract. Ermir Lenjani for example. No?

Was it not an answer to the departure of Serey Die to recruit two former Sédunois? Really?

Not at all. I take an example. If I bite your girlfriend, or your wife, while you’re with it, it’s not the same as if I do it once you’re not together. It’s the same here. Johan and Xavier were no longer linked to Sion. The club didn’t want it anymore. So we offered them a contract.

If you are not in conflict with Zion, however difficult to think that the converse is true …

When they recovered Geoffroy, one could have a doubt on the Valaisan intentions. Perhaps Christian Constantin wanted to demonstrate the absurdity of the situation. And then, the history of contracts was not yet settled. Since they came to get Gaëtan, however, everything has become very clear. They know full well that they will not be able to play them this season. So if it is not a maneuver to weaken us, what is it? On this front either, we can’t blame Xamax much: Djourou and Kouassi can play the last thirteen matches. Sportingly, our decision is completely justified. Zion has every right to do so. The club does not break any rules. But sportingly, it’s average …

Super League clubs will take part in a minimum of thirteen games in a month and a half. How do you place Xamax, which resumes training on Monday, compared to your opponents at this level?

I don’t really want to get into that kind of theory. After all, we can imagine this end of the championship in a thousand different ways. Did the break cut the legs of Thun, who was in the thick of it? Or on the contrary, will the Bernese come back even stronger? Rather, Xamax has escaped nasty injuries this season. Will it continue? Which team will be most affected? There are far too many questions that I prefer not to ask myself. I repeat: I want us to go ahead and think about the terrain. In this register, I have full confidence in my team that they will run away.

Interview by Florian Vaney

Created: 05.31.2020, 2:08 p.m.

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