The day of the Vallesina derbies: in First Sampaolese-Staffolo and Castelbellino-Borgo Minonna, in Second Le Torri Castelplanio-Cupramontana. Big match in First B for the league leaders: Real Cameranese-Castelfrettese and Osimo 2011-Montemarciano
VALLESINA, November 15, 2024 – Another exciting weekend is upon us in the First and Second Category, with the 9th day’s races scheduled for Saturday 16 November.
In Prima B, in particular, it’s the day of the Vallesina derbies par excellence, namely Castelbellino-Borgo Minonna and Sampaolese-Staffolo: above all the Verdicchio derby is important between two teams stuck at the bottom of the table.
And where are the two league leaders going to play? Quickly said: the Castelfrettese faces one away Real Cameranese chasing redemption, as well as Montemarciano will be Osimo 2011’s opponent encountered the first slip of the season last Saturday. There Filottrano faces the trip to Castelleone di Suasawhile the picture is completed with Labor-Marzocca e Pietralacroce-Ostra.
In group C, both Argignano (in Belforte del Chienti) and Passatempese (in Montecosaro) play away. This week too we have the predictions from coach Vitaliano Cosentino: Let’s discover them together.
Castelbellino-Borgo Minonna of 18 January 2023
Group B – Castelbellino – Borgo Minonna
“The championship is in full swing… and probably neither of the two teams is fully satisfied with their ranking, certainly not Castelbellino fresh from the defeat of Castelferretti, to be honest a difficult place to conquer. The Borgo Minonna it is in limbo, between a playoff zone only 5 points away and a playout zone at +4; 5 like the points the Orange have in the standings. Will we see 5 goals in this match? This would mean that one of the two teams would take home the three points, but I believe that they will gain 1 each: I say X”.
Castelleonese – Filottranese 2
“We must necessarily include among the disappointed Castelleonese e Filottrano. Also in this case the ranking situation is different, with the Lions embroiled in a battle for survival which puts them in a new situation compared to last season. Castelleonese comes from an important point obtained at Marzocca’s home with the wind at its back. Filottranese from an uninspiring point within the friendly walls. Will the most classic of 1-1s be a classic? The numbers suggest this, but today I feel like going against the grain and say 2″.
Osimo 2011 – Montemarciano 1
“After the bad match against Pietralacroce (clearly I don’t know the progress of the match, I base my reflection on the result) it is certainly not the Montemarciano the best opponent for the collected of Osimo 2011… or maybe yes! Winning against ‘Monte’ would give wings to the morale and self-esteem of the Giallorossi. I smell surprise, I say 1”.
Filippo Sartini, coach of Olimpia Marzocca
Labor – Olimpia Marzocca 2
“Tasty match. There Labor fresh from an excellent draw, the Marzocca from a mediocre draw. And logic would say what a draw it is… but today my predictions don’t follow logic. I say 2”.
Pietralacroce – Ostra Calcio 1
“Il stone cross he achieved his second victory of this championship last day. They did it at home, clearly, against a team with the positive surprise label of first category group B. There is another team that boasts the same label, and will play at Pietra this Saturday, Ostra Calcio. Mister’s boys will be able to repeat themselves Santarelli? I still feel confident in Pietralacroce, who by winning would acquire the label of ‘surprise killer’. I say 1”.
Real Cameranese-Castelfrettese of 18 January 2023 – Photo: Riccardo Rocchetti
Real Cameranese – Castelfrettese X
“If I had the chance on Saturday at 2.30pm I would be sitting on the steps of Montenovo, but for that day and at that time I have a more important commitment as far as I’m concerned. Having said that, anyone who wants to see a good match must go to Camerano to watch what looks like a show… or they can come to Camerata (laughs, ed.). The prediction is difficult, indeed impossible, I say X but I don’t believe it very much.”
Sampaolese – Staffolo 1
“Wow! A match with a nostalgic flavour, only a few seasons ago we witnessed top-level challenges with two teams fighting to enter the playoff zone… Now the match is to recover points to get out of that play-out. There are two teams and two companies that have the means to get out of the quagmire. There Sampaolese has never won at home, lo Staffolo Unfortunately he never won. It could be the first time for either team. I say 1”.
Mister Cristiano Luchetta del Borghetto
San Biagio – Borghetto 1
“This San Biagio they want to play an important role and after having obtained 4 points in two days they hope for continuity, to sew the surprise label to their chest as the other two newly promoted teams did. You face a difficult match, but sometimes enthusiasm allows you to throw your heart over the obstacle. I say 1”.
Group C – Belfortese – Argignano
Montecosaro – Passatempese 2
The themes of the Second Category
Speaking of Second Categoryin the 9th day tomorrow we will have interesting clashes, especially in group C, where the derby stands out The Castelplanio-Cupramontana Towers between the two teams at the top of the table. With the Arcevia committed to Serra San Quirico who could take advantage of a possible draw between Torresi and Cuprensi. Another match to keep an eye on is the one between Monsano e Lands of Tearsthe two main disappointments at the start of the season.
Cesare Carletti, coach of Candia Baraccola Aspio
In group D, the Mr. Carletti’s Candia Baraccola Aspio challenges vice-leader Loreto, the Leonessa Montoro hosts the San Lazzaro Plan, the Falconarese will be on stage at Offagna. Without forgetting the big match among the leaders Ankon Dorica and Villa Musone quinto.
In group F, Cingolana SF faces Camerino Castelraimondo at Spivach, Villa Strada plays at home against Fabiani Matelica, Treiese faces Sefrense at “Capponi”. Giovagnetti’s red and whites, in particular, could jump to the top of the table in the event of good news from Esanatoglia-Sarnano. Finally, below is the complete programme, with the referee appointments and the rankings of the First and Second Category groups which concern the teams from the Province of Ancona and the Alto Macerata area.
Program, referees and rankings
First Category
9th day – Saturday 16 November at 2.30 pm
Girone B
- Castelbellino-Borgo Minonna – Jouini of Macerata
- Castelleonese-Filottranese – Montani of Pesaro
- Osimo 2011-Montemarciano – Mariani di Ascoli Piceno
- Labor-Olimpia Marzocca – Paoletti di Fermo
- Pietralacroce-Ostra Calcio – Gismondi di Macerata
- Real Cameranese-Castelfrettese – Fiermonte di Macerata
- Sampaolese-Staffolo – Giustozzi di Macerata
- San Biagio-Borghetto – Storoni S. of Ascoli Piceno
CLASSIFICATION – Castelfrettese 20, Montemarciano 20,, Olimpia Marzocca 17, Osimo 2011 15, Sharp Calci0 15, Real Cameranese 12Borghetto 12Filottranese 12, Borgo Minonna 10Pietralacroce 9Labor 7, San Biagio 6, Castelbellino 5, Sampaolese 5, Castelleonese 5, Staffolo 3
Group C
- Belfortese-Argignano – Justine Pelliccetti from Fermo
- Montecosaro-Pastimes – Maurilli of Macerata
- Camerino-Montemilone Pollenza – Gioacchini of Ancona
- Elite Tolentino-Borgo Mogliano – Tedeschi from Ascoli Piceno
- Folgore Castelraimondo-Urbis Salvia – Francesca Montalboddi di Macerata
- Real Elpidiense-Potenza Picena – Dovesi of Ancona
- San Claudio-Portorecanati – Chenuof of Pesaro
- Casette d’Ete-Montecassano – Pigeons of Ascoli Piceno – 3.00 pm
CLASSIFICATION – Montecassiano 19Borgo Mogliano 17, Potenza Picena 17, Pastimes 15, Elite Tolentino 13Camerino 13, Belfortese 11, Montecosaro 10, Casette d’Ete 9, Montemilone Pollenza 9, Montecosaro 9, Real Elpidiense 8, Folgore Castelraimondo 7, San Claudio 6, Argignano 6, Portorecanati 2, Urbis Salvia -1
Second Category
9th day – Saturday 16 November at 2.30 pm
Group C
- Corinaldo-Chiaravalle – Mazzulla di Macerata
- The Castelplanio-Cupramontana Towers – Bugatti di Jesi
- Monsano-Terre del Lacrima – Manfredi di Ancona
- Monte Porzio-Rosora Angeli – Micheli di Jesi
- Olimpia Ostra Vetere-Aesse Senigallia – Paoltroni of Ancona
- Serrana-Avis Arcevia – Doda di Jesi
- Trecastelli-Aurora Jesi – Sofia Moretti of Ancona
- Monte Roberto-Borgo Molino – Dants Tascan di Jesi – 3.30 pm
CLASSIFICATION – Cupramontana 16, Le Torri Castelplanio 16; Avis Arcevia 16, Corinaldo 15, Trecastelli 15, Olimpia Ostra Vetere 14, Monte Roberto 13, Chiaravalle 12, Serrana 12, Rosora Angeli 9, Monsano 9, Senigallia 8, Terre del Lacrima 7, Borgo Molino 5, Monte Porzio 5, Aurora Jesi 3
Group D
- Palombina Vecchia-Europa Costabianca – Pompili di Jesi – Friday 15 November at 9.00 pm
- Agugliano Polverigi-Camerano – Razgui di Macerata
- Ankon Dorica-Villa Musone – Dhamo of Ancona
- Candia Baraccola Aspio-Loreto – Jesi career
- Young Offagna-Falconarese – Maurizi from Jesi
- Leonessa Montoro-Piano San Lazzaro – Tomassoni Compagnucci Spagnoli di Macerata
- Nuova Sirolese-Gls Dorica Ancona – Pieroni di Ancona
- Football Castelfidardo-Osimo Stazione Five – Simonetti of Ancona
CLASSIFICATION – Ankon Dorica 20, Loreto 19, Calcio Castelfidardo 16, Piano San Lazzaro 14, Gls Dorica 13, Villa Musone 13, Palombina Vecchia 12, Agugliano Polverigi 11, Osimo Five Station 10, Candia Baraccola Aspio 10, Nuova Sirolese 10, Leonessa Montoro 8, Falconarese 7, Young Offagna 6, Europe Costabianca 5, Camerano 5
Girone F
- Serralta-MR Pioraco – Guardati di Macerata – Friday 15 November at 9.00 pm
- Cingolana SF-Camerino Castelraimondo – Vallesi di Macerata
- Esanatoglia-Sarnano – Pope of Macerata
- Pievebovigliana-Palombese –
- Villa Strada-Fabiani Matelica – Melchiorri of Macerata
- Vis Gualdo-Lorese – Albertini of Ascoli Piceno
- Caldarola-Ripe San Ginesio – Carducci di Macerata – 3.00 pm
- Treise-Sefrense – or 15.00
CLASSIFICATION – Sarnano 19, Cingolana SF 17, Caldarola 16*, Ripe San Ginesio 16 Pievebovigliana 16Esanatoglia 16, MR Pioraco 15, Treiese 13Fabiani Matelica 12, Villa Strada 11, Lorese 8, Palombese 7, Serralta 6, Sefrense 2, Camerino Castelraimondo 2, Vis Gualdo 0*
Giacomo Grasselli