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Football: A year of the NFL from Platzgummers point of view

The long-time, fast running back of the Swarco Raiders Tirol made it into the most expensive sports league in the world last year through the “International Pathway Program” (IPP). In the end it wasn’t enough for a coveted place in the 53-man squad of the four-time Super Bowl champion, but Platzgummer was allowed to participate as a member of the training squad and thus collect important impressions.

“As a kid, I always imagined what it would be like in the NFL. There are the best players in the world there, everything has to be perfect, “commented Platzgummer, only to be able to say in the end:” Football is football. The moves are partly similar, the formations partly identical. Only the players are different. The linemen are bigger, the receivers faster, the quarterbacks better coordinated. But they’re only human, you can see that. “

Footballers get a chance at NFL

Two Austrians have the opportunity to recommend themselves for the NFL this year. Leonel Misangumukini and Bernhard Seikovits are invited to a training camp in Florida.

Platzgummer trains for a second chance

The hopes of being the fourth Austrian and the first non-kicker to play in the NFL were of course nourished. Normally, Platzgummer should return to the USA in spring, but he is currently training strength and technique in Tyrol to be prepared for all eventualities. “Now it’s about becoming uncomfortable and improving in things that you are not yet good at.”

A few days after the end of the regular season, Platzgummer left the United States. The Giants had missed the play-off with just six wins in 16 games, so the NFL adventure didn’t necessarily end abruptly. It started almost exactly a year ago when Platzgummer was invited by the NFL to a training camp in Florida. In 2017, the billion-dollar league launched the International Pathway Program to give players outside of North America an opportunity to recommend themselves for an NFL squad spot.

“Not better in some ways”

Platzgummer made the jump as one of four players and was assigned to the Giants. But at the end of the training camp in Florida, the pandemic was spreading, after which there was a lot of uncertainty. When exactly Platzgummer would join his team was just as open as the course of the season. Ultimately, the usual training camp, in which the 53 squad places are decided, took place in the summer. “You had trainings and meetings and you had no time for anything else. You come to the hotel in the evening, grab a bite to eat and lie in bed, ”recalls Platzgummer.

Sandro Platzgummer during training with the NY Giants

The Tyrolean Sandro Platzgummer was allowed to train with the New York Giants – here is a picture from the training camp in summer

But already in this phase, the 183 centimeter tall and 89 kilogram heavy Austrian noticed that a role in the NFL was not out of reach for him. “You always see that they don’t do certain things better than I do, for example. It is of course the highest level that is humanly possible and everything that surrounds it makes a huge difference. ”Just during the warm-up, players are filmed, everything is evaluated, and there is an enormous staff. That too is a big difference to home.

Superstar Barkley delighted with Platzgummer

Otherwise, Platzgummer was able to flash his class, made running back superstar Saquon Barkley delight. “That was my first or second run that I even got against the defense. I broke through pretty well and had a good run and he was relatively ‘hyped up’ ”, said Platzgummer with a smile. A photo held that for eternity. “He’s a great colleague and not at all aloof. But he also knows that he is very talented and thinks he is ‘half a god’ (laughs). Because physically he simply has completely different abilities. “

For Americans, when it comes to football, players from many other countries tend to be exotic. So did Platzgummer, who didn’t feel uncomfortable in the team. “You respected that I came from Austria. There would be a reason why I made it as one of four players. ”It was different with the division coaches. “Let’s put it this way: If I got a play on the field next season and did a good job, I could imagine that coaches and staff would be surprised that I might be able to do more than they would have thought.”

Without a preseason there is no regular season

To his chagrin, the preseason games were canceled this year due to the coronavirus. In these, players can present themselves, especially those who have little chance of getting a place in the squad. As was to be expected, the jump to the final roster did not go well. The one in the original training squad who would have left open options for missions, neither. Platzgummer was “only” allowed to train.

“Since I knew that there would be no games in the preseason, the probability of being there was too low. I hadn’t given up, but I realized it was going to be a year of learning. My focus was to empathize with things, to get better and to put myself in a situation where I have more chances next season. “

“I would not have come in”

The fact that position colleague Barkley had to give up early in the season with a cruciate ligament rupture did not change this opinion. “I wouldn’t have got in if every other running back had been injured. That’s not why I drove myself insane. I wasn’t at 100 percent either, so that’s absolutely fine, ”said Platzgummer, summarizing his debut season.

In contrast to the tough training camp, the regular season is more leisurely. After a game, there are usually days off in order to prepare for the next game on Wednesday. The training is milder because of the risk of injury, regeneration and meetings are the focus. “In the regular season itself you have more time and more life, not just getting up, playing football, going to sleep.” During this time, Platzgummer also dared to jump over the Hudson River and visit New York City. There was no friend or family, “loneliness was an issue,” but I also had the advantage that I had a colleague to live with. “

Special teams as a possible springboard

At the beginning of January we went back to Tyrol, where Platzgummer is now working on himself. “I have to take the things I have already done in Austria to a higher level. Of course it’s different when I play in Austria or in the USA. On the one hand I have to adapt things, on the other hand I have to learn new things because I play new positions. That is of course also a challenge, ”said Platzgummer, who was calm and reflected in the conversation.

Power is one thing, but it’s mostly about technology. “Football is a very natural sport, but not one that you can automatically do because you watch. It sounds easy to block a player. But these are great athletes that you have to block, you just have to be technically perfect. For example, it’s also about the angle. “

It seems most likely to be deployed via special teams that are on the field at kickoffs or punts. “Especially since the over-talents don’t play there, others can make a name for themselves here.” Giants head coach Joe Judge will also make his judgment, as he came from New England in 2020 as a special teams coordinator.

Sandro Platzgummer during training with the NY Giants

WHAT / AFP / Getty Images / Sarah Stier

Platzgummer wants to show it especially to the coaches in the new season

Platzgummer already has a plan for how everything could work out. “In any case, I have to come back in top form in order to be able to be confident. That was not possible this year because of Corona. My way into the team will be to be able to do many things well instead of one thing excellent. But I have to be ready for anything. Maybe it will happen that I play as running back in a preparation game. You shouldn’t go crazy regardless of the general conditions and you have to stay cool. You have to trust yourself. “

Normally, like others, Platzgummer returns to New York as an IPP player. But there is no certainty even for that. “100 percent is never anything. It is very likely that I will be in the training camp in May and summer and will be able to show my talent there. I’ll do my thing, and when the time comes I’ll show what’s going on. ”Regardless of what happens, the one year has already paid off, in every direction. But it is clear: “No matter whether I should be in the NFL for a year, two years or ten years, I would definitely finish my studies.”

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