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Footage of Giant Squid Eating Enemies on the High Seas, Really Horrible!


Giant squid alias giant squid caught on camera while eating its prey. The video was shot in the wild and shows how ferocious he can be. This video is part of research published in Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers.

Of course, it is not easy to get footage of giant squid hunting prey in the wild, so the oceanographic foundation in Spain set the strategy. They pin a camera to the bottom of the sea and feed a jellyfish called E-jelly. The e-jelly is equipped with a light that mimics the blue flashing bioluminescence emitted by the atolla jellyfish (Atolla wyvillei) when in distress.

The research team, led by Nathan Robinson, then waited for the giant squid’s reaction to their trap. The wait paid off, at depths between 557-950 meters in the Gulf of Mexico and in Exuma Sound near the Bahamas, the team noted the presence of several giant squid. The first discoveries were in 2004 and 2005 with two large animals which may have been Promachoteuthis sloani, with a mantle length of 1 meter.



The team kept updating their observations, and they were able to capture the movement of Pholidoteuthis adami, with a mantle length of 0.5 meters, in 2013. In 2019, they obtained an image capture of Architeuthis dux, a giant squid with a mantle length of 1.7 meters (not including the tentacles).

By gathering every bit of information from the giant squid’s image capture, the researchers are slowly starting to understand the nature of the giant squid. All these encounters strongly indicate that the squid are visual hunters. The team also found that the giant squid stalks its prey for about six minutes before attacking.

The following giant squid video which is preying on the E-jelly.



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