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Foot OL – OL: After the controversy, the cash defense of Memphis Depay – Olympique Lyonnais

Memphis Depay created a real bad buzz by posing with a liger, raging the anger of animal protection associations. His defense may not hold…

Always very present on social networks, Memphis Depay has seen its extra-sports activity develop in recent months. It must be said that the striker of Olympique Lyonnais was seriously injured, and had the time, despite a knee operation and a very sporty re-education, to devote himself to music, his favorite pastime, but also tattoos and travel. Recently, the Dutchman published a photo of him with a baby liger, from a cross between a tigress and a lion. This snapshot, certainly taken during his recent visit to Dubai, furious animal protection associations. The attacks were very intense. ” We regret that Depay posted this photo. There are animals that suffer. The wildlife trade, to entertain people, is useless and causes much suffering. With this photo, Depay is setting the wrong example. We hope, of course, that he will withdraw his photo. Wild animals belong to nature, they are not there for our entertainment. There is no worse example “For example, said one of the many NGOs to comment on the subject, World Animal Protection.

Critics who have reached the ears of Memphis Depay, who insisted on reacting and correcting the facts. “ For those who do not know the facts, be quiet. The ligers are not even wild animals. They were not born in nature. I don’t even think they would survive in the wild “Defended the Lyonnais striker, for whom the ligers are domesticated and not wild animals, which explains for him this interior photo with a baby of this species.

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