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Fools Prevail – View Info – 2024-02-21 11:57:04

/ world today news/ Borisov has supporters for the idea that musicians should support themselves

Prime Minister Borissov sees a lot of the state paying a 500 BGN salary to musicians. But 2 years ago, he defended the right of cleaners at Sofia airport to work on labor contracts with a salary of BGN 1,500. He took a picture with one of them for support and posted the photo on his Facebook page. So the airport, instead of signing a contract with a company, continued to support cleaners on a staff.

After Borisov’s statement that BNR musicians should be self-supporting, comments in his support flashed across the Internet. They had to earn from tickets themselves, the radio (the state) could not feed them… and generalizations – that various spheres of culture should become self-supporting, etc.

Ignorance is capable of closing the orchestras in our country, how much is it – it can be done without them.
It should be explained to the ignorant – in Bulgaria the market is not small, but miserable. You can’t support yourself from concerts with symphonic music. André Rieu has made his fortune from symphonic music (albeit lighter genres) in a completely different market, with concert tickets costing €100 and up. And most importantly – there is someone to pay them. And again, there are sponsors at such concerts. Even the concerts of rock stars in our country have sponsors despite expensive tickets and a full stadium.
The current position of Borisov and his runners-up – “That they are not self-supporting like Andre Rieu” – expresses complete ignorance. There are dozens of recording-based radio orchestras in Europe, and no one claims to be like the Rio Orchestra. What is this nonsense anyway that every orchestra is like the one in Rio?

Just to compare what the market is like in our country – in London for the so-called Proms – spring concerts for a month with the BBC orchestra (all over Europe national radios have orchestras), there are queues for remaining tickets at the last minute. In front of the Royal Albert Hall, 300-400 people line up at the box office for days. Most tickets are bought online months in advance.

Something like that to be seen at Sofia Music Weeks? And at our concerts there are virtuoso musicians, authoritative names, there is also interest, halls are full, but the market is small, ticket prices cannot be high.

You can’t support a structure called an orchestra from tickets. If in an orchestra people do not have a steady income, they will immediately run away. Even so, orchestras around the world are full of Bulgarian musicians.

And sponsors? Where to get sponsors to support symphonic music in Bulgaria? Is it Vasil Bozhkov, is it Grisha Ganchev, is it Domuschiev? And big banks are pulling back from financing such projects, what’s left for mutro-oligarchs.

So in a small country like Bulgaria, if we want civilization to exist, the state must finance culture. With orchestras, it’s like with books – the sold editions are 1000-2000, this is considered a success. Therefore, there are no authors who live from their books, they are always in some profession or on a salary somewhere.

And the musicians have no way to work something else for a salary and make money from concerts. They should give up music and become taxi drivers. There are such cases.
Of course, there are pragmatists like Borisov and his supporters, who believe that there was no need for so many orchestras. Maybe without them…

Maybe, really. Let only the “market-oriented” chalga musicians who fill the halls remain. We can do without symphonic music. Bulgaria cannot feed its musicians, those who can, flee abroad. They may also close music schools, interest in this profession is decreasing. We will not die. It’s just that we’re moving away from civilization. Not only concerts and recordings, but also the physical presence of musicians (as well as actors, etc.) in society creates a cultural environment, civilized.

Since the musicians are running abroad, we will somehow be playing with visiting orchestras, without national ones.

There is no way Borisov can comprehend the fact that foreigners appear at competitions for musicians in opera houses like Plovdiv, despite the miserable salaries. Because it is a matter of prestige to play in an opera orchestra, to note this fact in your biography as a step up.

All over the world, especially symphonic and operatic music is sponsored or supported by the state. In our country – also. But the musicians have salaries of 500-600 BGN, which is a misery for such a profession.

Well, let the libertarians like Borisov introduce the market in this area, drive the musicians away and brag that they have reduced public spending. Surely there will be someone to applaud them. And this has not yet happened just because Borisov is a populist and is afraid of protests – it is not known whether the dissatisfaction of some guild will harm him in the elections…

A word

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