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Foods that nutritionists recommend for Covid-19 survivors to eat

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – After recovering or being tested negative, it is important for the survivor to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet.

Clinical Nutritionist, Dr. Diana F. Suganda, M.Kes, Sp.GK said that during the healing process and after recovering, survivors are advised to add 600 to 700 calories per day.

“For example, Covid-19 patients have an additional 600 or 700 calories per day, almost the same as the portion for breastfeeding mothers, the number of calories must be increased,” said Diana in a Webinar entitled ‘Reflections on a Pandemic Year, People Are Increasingly Ignored or Caring about Ngobras and Frisian Forums. Flag ‘, Sealsa (23/3/2021).

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He continued, in fulfilling that number of calories, one is recommended to increase protein, both animal and vegetable.

Protein serves as a healing and builder in the body so it is very good and beneficial.

“So mainly when we are struggling or recovering in the recovery process, the protein function is increased,” he said.

However, Diana said, to add 700 calories in a portion healthy food it is not easy.

Meanwhile, if you eat junk food high in fat, 700 calories are very easy to get.

Therefore, a Covid-19 survivor It is advisable to add animal and vegetable protein side dishes in the portion of the meal.

In addition, at intermission hours it is also advisable to snack on tofu, green beans, or add one to two glasses of milk.

“You can get 700 calories from protein from foods such as chicken, plus two fish, and add more vegetables. We keep on thinking that besides the main meal, there are 3 times protein, such as 2 animal foods and 1 vegetable food. There are 3 healthy snacks interlude. For example, Smoothies. fruit plus yogurt and milk. The portion of food does not need to be large but solid, “said Diana.

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