some food promotes mental health, so they’re a plus if you’re dealing with anxiety, depressionor other mood disorders.
Specifically, these foods increase serotonin levels, which boosts well-being, appropriately
1. Straw
Salmon contains Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 and vitamin D, which play an important role in mood. There is promising research showing that Omega 3 relieves depression.
Although vitamins D and B12 do not have a direct impact on depression, deficiencies in any of these vitamins cause imbalances that affect mood, thus increasing the risk of depression and anxiety, insomnia and even memory loss. Salmon provides more than the recommended daily value of vitamins D and B12, so regular consumption improves mental health. It also has benefits for heartmemory and cholesterol.
2. Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate has many beneficial components that help boost mood. One theory says that Chocolate black improves gut health. There are more than 100,000 trillion microorganisms in your digestive tract that fight disease, digest food, impact mood, and more. Dark chocolate works as a prebiotic and restructures the digestive environment, reducing those “bad” microorganisms that have negative effects on mood.
Dark chocolate is also rich in antioxidants called flavonoids, which provide benefits including reduced risk of heart disease and stroke, improved vascular blood flow, and immunity better. Antioxidants also fight free radicals that damage cells and cause cancerdecrease the inflammation that worsens the symptoms of chronic diseases like arthritis and autoimmune disorders, and protect the brain from degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
3. Blueberries
According to research, eating blueberries improves mood just two hours after consumption. The flavonoids in blueberries improve executive function, which alleviates symptoms of depression, such as feeling foggy and memory loss. Blueberries have also been associated with improved symptoms of depression and PTSD. In addition, B vitamins provide energy and boost alertness by increasing blood flow to the brain.
Researchers have recently identified low levels of the SKA2 gene as responsible for depression, particularly in people who commit suicide. Eating blueberries increases the level of this gene and cancels out depressive feelings. Blueberries also contain monoamine oxidase, an enzyme with positive effects on serotonin and dopamine, two brain chemicals that play a major role in well-being.
4. Coffee
Coffee is full of polyphenols that cross the blood-brain barrier and act quickly to reduce inflammation in the brain. In addition to improving alertness by increasing blood flow, this also decreases the likelihood of affective disorders such as depression. In addition, coffee helps prevent cognitive impairment due to its effect on inflammation.
5. Spinach
For mood, the real benefit of spinach comes from magnesium. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to increased incidence of depression and anxiety, and as with vitamin D, research shows that many people are deficient in the mineral. In addition, high levels of magnesium have been associated with higher levels of serotonin in the brain, especially in people who are deficient.
As serotonin levels rise, spinach naturally boosts mood. It is also full of fibre, which helps digestion. Spinach has also been associated with lowering blood sugar levels and decreasing inflammation in the body.
6 eggs
Eggs contain Omega 3, B vitamins and amino acids, all of which are vital for energy. When you give your body and brain healthy sources of sustainable energy like eggs, there’s less chance of blood sugar spikes and fatigue. Omega 3 and amino acids also fight inflammation that can impede blood flow to the brain.
In addition, eggs contain nutrients such as zinc and iodide. Zinc helps treat depression and relieve symptoms associated with mood disorders. Iodine is essential for healthy thyroid function and balancing fluid levels in the body. Because the thyroid is where many are produced HORMONE key to mood, healthy thyroid function goes a long way toward balancing mood.
7. Coconut water
Coconut water is incredibly hydrating and provides minerals and electrolytes for energy, including iodine, selenium, zinc and magnesium.
8. Measures
There’s not much honey can’t do, from fighting infections to protecting the brain. Honey really helps by increasing hormone levels and providing energy so serotonin can reach the brain and mood can be improved. It also stops oxidation in the brain, decreases inflammation, and has brain-protective benefits.
It contains natural sugars, amino acids and tons of vitamins and minerals. Amino acids are also precursors to neurotransmitters such as serotonin. In addition, it has antibacterial, antimicrobial and anticonvulsant benefits.
9. Avocado
When it comes to mood, avocados help with their high levels of folic acid and vitamin B5. Vitamin B5 plays a crucial role in adrenal gland function and hormone production. Folate, on the other hand, helps produce mood-regulating serotonin and dopamine.
Avocados also contain high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats fight inflammation, protect cells and the brain, and even improve heart and digestive health.
10. Nuts
With a wide range of nutrients, antioxidants and healthy fats found in nuts, they are undoubtedly one of the best mood-boosting foods. There was even a recent study where eating walnuts daily was associated with better overall health. It’s no surprise with so many nutrients that help with hormone regulation.
Walnuts contain antioxidants, including polyphenols, ALA and vitamin E. They also contain healthy fats. Polyphenols and ALA both work to regulate hormones in the body, and walnuts’ antioxidant properties fight inflammation. They also contain dietary fiber that provides energy to the body and promotes gut and digestive health.