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Foods that help boost your immunity during the winter, including spinach

As the winter season sets in, focusing on a nutrient-rich diet and healthy behaviors, such as adequate sleep, hand washing, physical activity, and stress management, can help keep your system functioning. immunity Yes, and although many people fall into the trap of believing that taking nutritional supplements is the gateway to a healthy immune system, nutrition experts have stressed that you should try to boost your immunity first. Solid and healthy foods And health tea, according to the website “good and just”

Foods that boost immunity when eaten

1. Citrus

What is the first nutrient you think of when you start to hear the slightest thought that you might get sick? Vitamin C, of ​​course, and can be found in citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines and grapefruits, is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a vital role in supporting healthy immunity..

2 eggs

Protein is a must. Protein-rich foods such as seafood, chicken, beans, and unsalted nuts and seeds may be beneficial for immune health. Eggs are one of the best options, thanks to a variety of bioactive compounds that can affect anti-inflammatory pathways. inflammatory within the body..

3. Salmon

In addition to being a good source of protein, you should be eating at least four ounces twice a week, and 100 percent vitamin D-fortified milk and juices can be a good source of this immune-boosting nutrient..

4. Oysters

Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other food. Zinc plays an important role in immune function because it is important for the normal development and function of cells known as neutrophils and lymphocytes. A zinc deficiency can lead to the development of some forms of cancer, so it’s definitely worth adding to your diet.

5. Garlic

Garlic is not only tasty but incredibly beneficial for the immune system. It contains allicin, an organic sulfur compound found in crushed garlic. It has antimicrobial properties. Allicin also aids in the absorption of zinc to support the immune system..

6. Greek yogurt

Protein is in Greek yogurt, as are probiotics, which are good gut bacteria that can boost immune health .

7. Carrots

Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A. It is known as an anti-inflammatory vitamin because it keeps skin and tissues healthy throughout the body, and research shows it plays an important role in boosting immune function. .

8. Spinach

Spinach is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants like vitamin A, both of which are essential for a strong immune system.

9. Pineapples

Pineapple is another essential food to boost the immune system, as well as being rich in vitamins c Pineapple is a source of bromelain, which strengthens the immune system by preventing cancer, blood clots and other serious diseases, plus it has anti-inflammatory benefits as a whole..

10. Nuts

Walnuts are rich in selenium which is one of the keys to a healthy immune system. You can meet 100 percent of your daily selenium requirement by eating nuts

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