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Foods that contain histamine: here’s which ones not to eat

Which foods don’t contain histamine? This is a question that very often arises those who perhaps suffer from some intolerance. Within this article we will list the various foods that contain histamine. It is a molecule present in many foods that we consume daily, responsible for allergies and intolerances.

Histamine allergy: symptoms

Histamine is produced by our body, but it is also present in many foods and foods. THE histaminosis symptoms, that is, excess histamine can be of different types. The symptoms are similar to those of an intolerance or allergy, such as migraine, asthma, dizziness, loss of appetite, cramps and diarrhea. In general, the cause of histaminosis is therefore caused by an excessive dose of histamine ingested through food, therefore, it is the intestine that is one of the most affected targets.

Foods that contain histamine

In the next sub paragraphs we will offer you lists of foods that contain histamine so that allergy sufferers, or rather intolerances, can know what to eat without problems. Histamine is a molecule present in the body, but if present in excess it is responsible for a series of allergic reactions. This is why it is important to know which foods to eat in case of histaminosis and which foods to eliminate since they contain histamine. In this way it is also possible to draw up a diet for histaminosis.

List of histamine-rich foods

Histamine-rich foods they are generally those that have been processed and stored for a long time or those packaged, while fresh foods are those that usually contain minimal doses of histamine. The amount of histamine in food increases significantly if the food undergoes processes such as long storage, fermentation, maturation or seasoning. Let’s analyze which are all the foods that contain histamine.

Vegetables with histamine

Histamine is present in several vegetables, such as canned vegetables and ready-made salads that we find in the supermarket. Histamine is also found in tomatoes, spinach, aubergines, mushrooms, fermented sauerkraut and spices. Fair quantities of histamine are also present in legumes such as beans and lentils.

Fruit with histamine

Among the foods that contain histamine, as regards the fruit, we can find histamine in avocado, strawberries, bananas, raspberries, kiwis, pineapples, grapefruit, citrus fruits, pears, dried red plums, papaya and dried nuts such as walnuts, almonds, peanuts and cashews.

Meat with histamine

Histamine is also present in the meat, especially in canned meat, in smoked or subjected to manufacturing processes. Specifically, therefore, attention must be paid to ham, salami, bacon and frankfurters, and also to all cured meats and sausages.

Fish with histamine

Histamine is also present in the fish canned like tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring and anchovies. High quantities of histamine are also present in crustaceans and seafood. You should therefore avoid excessive consumption of canned fish, smoked fish and pay attention to fish sauces, especially as regards food preservatives.

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