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Foods that cause heartburn

Did you know that there are some foods that cause heartburn? Even if it is not a serious disease, it is good to know which products cause them, so as to prevent them.


Chocolate is consumed by everyone due to its high content of antioxidants. However, overeating can trigger acid reflux due to its high fat and stimulant content. These stimulants include caffeine and theobromine, which is a xanthine alkaloid present in cocoa beans, coffee and tea leaves. Both are related to an increase in the amount of acid produced by the digestive system.

Spicy spices

These spices give a different taste to the dishes. In addition, some of them even have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The problem occurs when they become aggressive to the immune system, especially when combined with other acidic foods.

Find out what foods cause heartburn on clickpentrufemei.ro.

Heartburn? Here’s what to avoid!

Reduce salt intake, reduce the risk of stomach cancer

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