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Foods That Cause Gout, What Are? Check out the solution


JAKARTA Food Certain substances can cause gout. Gout is the form arthritis which is caused by high levels of uric acid in the bloodstream. Too much gout can cause a painful gout attack.

These attacks occur when the body can’t get rid of uric acid in the bloodstream, so uric acid builds up around the joints. Gout attacks usually come on suddenly at night and can last from three to 10 days.

Foods that can trigger gout attacks often contain high purines. When purines are digested, the body creates uric acid as a waste product that causes gout. In addition to high-purine foods, if you suffer from gout, you should stop drinking alcohol.

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The foods that can cause gout include offal, including the liver, kidneys and brain. Game meats such as bird, veal, and venison should be excluded from the menu to avoid gout attacks.

All types of fish and other seafood, including shellfish, shrimp and eggs, can be high in purines. Sugary drinks like fruit juices and fizzy drinks are not a good idea if you have gout. Any added sugar including syrup should be avoided.

Reporting from Express, Saturday (21/8) yeast should be avoided if you suffer from gout. Avoiding anything too fatty and eating less meat and fish can help you manage gout better. Low-purine foods contain less than 100 mg of purines per 100 grams.

Other foods that are recommended to be consumed are fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and eggs.

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