Written by Nahir Abdel Nabi
Friday, February 17, 2023 09:00 PM
Inflammation often occurs as a way to protect your health when the immune system notices something foreign in the body, instead inflammation Intermittent can be protective, chronic inflammation has been linked to several serious diseases.
According to the website health If you want to fight inflammation, start by taking a look at your kitchen and when you make your grocery list, add less inflammatory foods and more anti-inflammatory foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, seeds, and fatty fish. “.
It is foods that cause inflammation
1: Added sugars
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to avoid added sugars because food manufacturers add megadoses to improve the flavor of many packaged foods. But research shows that consuming too much added sugar leads to chronic inflammation.
When you digest something, sugar enters your blood and then insulin puts the sugar into your cells to give them energy. But when there is too much sugar at one time, insulin tries to store the excess in fat cells, causing them to increase in size over time. Research shows that this can lead to Weight gain or insulin resistance, which is associated with other metabolic conditions.
2: trans fats
Food manufacturers produce trans fats through the hydrogenation process, where adding hydrogen to fat changes its texture, texture, and shelf life, but researchers have found that there is no safe level of trans fat for consumption, so it is recommended to eat less than one gram of trans fat every day..
Trans fats raise levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) It lowers good cholesterol levels (HDL). Both actions can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and severe infections.
3: Red and processed meat
Processed meats are salted, cured, fermented, or smoked for flavoring or preservation purposes. Research shows that red and processed meats are high in inflammatory saturated fats..
4: Omega-6s
Omega-6 fatty acids are fats that your body uses for energy. Because your body can’t make them, you get them from the foods you eat..
We need these fatty acids for normal growth and development and they also contribute to the good kind of inflammation in the body that helps your recovery, but research shows that you need a healthy balance of Omega-6s in your body. You don’t have enough omega-3s and too many omega-6s, you create a pro-inflammatory response..
5: Refined carbs
Refined carbohydrates are stripped of nutrition and lack fiber. These processed carbohydrates have become a mainstay in many people’s diets.”
Research shows that refined carbohydrates may cause inflammation in your body. It’s similar to added sugars because nothing slows down their breakdown. They hit your bloodstream quickly and spike your blood sugar. High blood sugar also creates an inflammatory response, and your body tries to remove sugar from your blood. , so it stimulates this inflammation.