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Food, “We Risk Losing the Battle Against Hunger, a Social Contract to Strengthen Fragile Systems”

ROMA – The new issue of has been released Futuresthe biannual magazine published by theItalian institute for the future (Iif). It is a time of great reflection on the actions needed to put the world back on a path of sustainability, after theHigh-level political forum in New York and in view of the Future Summit in September. Several reports have recently been published that, from different angles, address the problems of today and those on the horizon. In this issue we have analyzed two in particular: the strategic forecast report dell’Unepthe United Nations Environment Programme, sounds an alarm bell on the fragility of our systems, threatened by eight disruptive changes that jeopardize future balances.

But there are solutions. Starting from a new social contract that allows for more active participation by young people. The legacy we leave to future generations takes on a critical importance in the other report we present to you: it was created byUndp and identifies signals that could become more significant in the next decade, from new frontiers of conflict to competition in space.

To cultivate hope. He talks about it Sofia Petrarca: Effective international governance, combined with adequate funding, is also a fundamental requirement for the fight against hunger, on which the world has dramatically gone back 15 years. Will it be of any use?Global Alliance created by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who urged world leaders to work together to find solutions to hunger, calling it “the most degrading of human deprivations”?

There is future and future. Biologist Giuseppe Zicari explains why the disappearance of biodiversity is an environmental emergency, but also a cultural loss. Extinction rates have reached the highest levels ever recorded, and most human beings – he warns – live in almost exclusively “artificial” conditions. Flavio Natale review the new issue of Futuresand questions the state of health of future studies in our country. Three new updates from the blogs. Pietro Speroni di Fenizio reflects on the phase that artificial intelligence is going through; while Karoline Rörig focuses on the positive signals for sustainable development that are emerging on the European scene; Giovanni Peparello, from the Civil Protection Journal, explores the new anti-seismic technologies for the safety of historic buildings. For the column Choosing the futureon air Radical Radio, Henry Giovannini thinks about how to rethink cities, between sustainable mobility and the culture of movement.

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– 2024-07-31 22:43:52

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