How (un)healthy is a curry if you use spices from a packet? Photo:
In the section Food under scrutiny we share a scientific view on nutrition and health. The internet is full of claims about these two broad topics, but is that information accurate? We offer clarity with the help of various experts. With today: how (un)healthy is cooking with packages and bags?
The supermarket is full of seasonings. From various ‘world dishes’ to sachets of herbs for macaroni, bami, chicken tandoori… and one promises to be even tastier than the other. Yet we are always told that eating ‘out of packages and bags’ is much unhealthier than using fresh products and herbs. But why is that so, and is it really so?
Can it hurt to use one or more sachets if you want a spicy meal? Metro presents the statement to nutritionist Camella Bot.
Cooking from packages and bags is so (un)healthy
If you look at the back of the packaging of the ready-made packs and bags, one thing stands out, according to Bot: “It contains a huge amount of ingredients. These products are therefore highly processed and contain many additives that you would not use if you were to start fresh yourself.”
But are all those different ingredients in a bag an unhealthy choice? “I think the answer to that is twofold: yes and no. Yes, because a bag of seasonings is less healthy compared to using fresh herbs, spices and vegetables. You can imagine that consuming too much salt, sugar and saturated fats does increase the risk of various cardiovascular diseases. Making fresh and using fresh products simply remains the healthiest option.”
Nice outcome
At the same time, Bot also realizes that packages and bags can sometimes be a very nice solution. “They give you the opportunity to vary. How often do you make Surinamese roti from scratch? Sometimes it’s just easy to grab a bag and try new things. Flavoring your meals also increases the likelihood that you will eat more vegetables and build a more varied diet. And that’s not unhealthy at all.”
According to the nutritionist, labeling products with ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’ is not as simple as it seems. “It always depends on your entire lifestyle. It’s about the balance. That is why the occasional use of a pack or bag fits perfectly within a healthy diet. Don’t make a drama out of it. Do what feels right for you and what works for you.”
If you have a clinical picture, always consult a doctor or, for example, a dietitian when it comes to whether or not to adjust your diet.
Curious about the answer to other questions about nutrition? Then we would like to refer you to this article full of interesting information from experts: 21 facts and fables about your diet and a healthy lifestyle. Enjoy reading!
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2023-05-30 16:13:56
#Food #microscope #unhealthy #cooking #packets #bags
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Food under the microscope: how (un)healthy is cooking with packets and bags really?