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Food poisoning in summer: Beware of poorly stored foods!

A clandestine poultry slaughterhouse was discovered a few days ago in Baraki by elements of the National Gendarmerie. On site, 10 quintals of turkey meat unfit for human consumption were seized. While the consumption of spoiled food products, such as meat and fish, can trigger food poisoning, it is important to be extra vigilant, especially during the summer season.

Indeed, it is during this period that the risks of food poisoning increase, for two main reasons. The first is that when the atmosphere warms up, bacteria proliferate. The second is the break in the cold chain which is more frequent during the summer. And unlike the winter period, leaving food at room temperature increases the risk of food poisoning.

Moreover, according to the first figures that remain to be updated, communicated by the communications officer at the Ministry of Commerce, “during the period from June 1 to August 7, 1,614 cases of food poisoning were recorded.” “859 people, or 53%, were infected at the level of the commercial fabric, that is to say by the consumption of contaminated food, purchased in stores. While 755 people, or 47%, were infected outside the commercial fabric, that is to say due to food consumed at parties or at home for example,” he continues.

As for the foods responsible for food poisoning recorded in the commercial fabric, there are soft drinks, milk and its derivatives, red and white meats and their derivatives, prepared meals and fast foods. “Moreover, the interventions carried out by the control services at the level of commercial stores suspected of being the origin of the cases of poisoning recorded within the commercial fabric have concluded that the main reason for the occurrence of these food poisonings is due to the non-compliance with cleanliness and hygiene rules, in addition to the non-compliance with the conditions of conservation and the cold chain, whether on the part of the trader or the consumer after the purchase of the product”, continues the same source.

Regarding cases recorded outside the commercial sector, the main foods responsible for food poisoning are, according to the services of the Ministry of Commerce, red and white meat and its derivatives, water, soft drinks, eggs, sauces, seasonal fruits, in addition to various meals prepared whether at home or during celebrations. Sofia Ouahib

The causes?

The main causes of poisoning are bacteria, viruses, parasites and toxic chemicals.

  • Bacteria
    Pathogenic bacteria grow in food for two main reasons. The first is that food is poorly stored. The second is that hygiene rules are not followed during food handling or storage.
  • Viruses
    Viruses are an important source of foodborne infection. Just like bacteria, they can also contaminate food. In fact, norovirus (NoV) and hepatitis A virus (HAV) are the two important viruses transmitted through food.
  • Parasites
    Parasites such as worms or protozoa can be present in raw or undercooked foods, usually meats and seafood. For example, toxoplasmosis is contracted by ingesting raw or undercooked meat containing cysts of the protozoan.
  • Chemical substances
    While pesticides are designed to kill harmful organisms, sometimes some can become “harmful” to humans. When hygiene precautions are not followed to the letter, these chemicals can contaminate food and impact health.

What to eat?

In case of food poisoning, it is important to avoid meals that are too rich. It is better to choose rice, pasta and potatoes. Bananas are also recommended. Also prefer cooked vegetables and lean meat. Avoid eating all kinds of sauces and remember to add more salt to your food to allow your body to recover the mineral salts. During food poisoning, it is also very important to drink enough water to avoid dehydration. S. O.

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