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Food cart crushed to stick wood

It will be a long time before anyone can say “the food has been served” in the hatch of the food cart at national road 7 in Eidfjord. On Monday, the carriage was smashed beyond recognition in an explosion.

The remains were afterwards scattered along the road, including a sign that ended up several meters up in a tree.

Luckily no one was at work in the carriage when it ended up like stick wood. Two people who were out for a walk were nearby. They were subsequently taken by ambulance, but should not be seriously injured.

<img itemprop="image" data-defer="view" title="HIGH TOWARDS: A sign belonging to the carriage flew several meters up a tree. Photo: Voss fire brigade” alt=”HIGH TOWARDS: A sign that belonged to the carriage flew several meters up a tree. Photo: Voss brannvesen “class =” “srcset =” https://dbstatic.no/72821890.jpg?imageId=72821890&width=760&height=434&compression=70 640w, https: //dbstatic.no/72821890.jpg? ImageId = 72821890 & width = 1024 & height = 584 & compression = 80 1024w, https: //dbstatic.no/72821890.jpg? ImageId = 72821890 & width = 1058 & height = 604 & compression = 80 1240w “src =” https://dbstatic.no/72821890.jpg?imageId=72821890&width= 1058 & height = 604 “/>
HIGH TOWARDS: A sign that belonged to the carriage flew several meters up a tree. Photo: Voss fire brigade
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Close to fire station

Guard commander Ronald Drotningsvik at the 110 switchboard told Dagbladet on Monday morning that they were notified of the incident by an astonished passer-by at 12.09. When the first unit was on site, this was directed to be a food cart on wheels.

– All of us have been in contact with the brand bang. There were probably some pressure waves when it slammed. Fortunately, the fire station is only a few hundred meters away, says operations manager for the fire service in Eidfjord, Egil Holven to Dagbladet.

Together with ten others from the local fire service, he rushed out to the explosion on Monday together with the police and ambulance. He would hardly think about what could have happened if there had been people at work when it slammed.

– The carriage was closed for the season, but there had been people there as late as Friday. The explosion was so powerful that it was no longer possible to say what had been there, says Holven.

<img itemprop="image" data-defer="view" title="INJURIES: The restaurant nearby was also damaged. Photo: Voss fire brigade” alt=”INJURIES: Også restauranten like ved fikk skader. Foto: Voss brannvesen” class=”” srcset=”https://dbstatic.no/72821892.jpg?imageId=72821892&x=0&y=57.251908396947&cropw=100&croph=42.748091603053&width=496&height=284&compression=70 640w,https://dbstatic.no/72821892.jpg?imageId=72821892&x=0&y=57.251908396947&cropw=100&croph=42.748091603053&width=666&height=380&compression=80 1024w,https://dbstatic.no/72821892.jpg?imageId=72821892&x=0&y=57.251908396947&cropw=100&croph=42.748091603053&width=689&height=393&compression=80 1240w” src=”https://dbstatic.no/72821892.jpg?imageId=72821892&x=0&y=57.251908396947&cropw=100&croph=42.748091603053&width=689&height=393″/>
INJURIES: The restaurant nearby was also damaged. Photo: Voss fire brigade
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– Violent forces

According to the task leader, the car was a few tens of meters away from a restaurant. Here, too, people are not said to have been injured, but two windows were blown in and outdoor furniture was thrown away.

– There must have been violent forces at work. We suspect that there has been a gas leak in the car, and that this has ignited in a way. There are crime technicians there this afternoon, so we’ll see what they conclude, says Holven.

Shocked owner

The owner of the wagon, Arthur Fjetland, has worked as a cook for 35 years. He tells Dagbladet that he has never experienced anything like this. Monday’s event was also very scary for the owner.

– I was sitting in the car, when I got a call about the explosion. At first I thought it was nonsense, then I realized that this has actually happened. For the next 20 minutes, I tried to get hold of the chef who, among other things, works in the carriage. He did not answer the phone, and his thoughts quickly went in the direction of the worst, says Fjetland.

In the end, it was the police who informed him that there were no signs of injured people at the scene. Now he only praises himself happily that no one lost their life in the incident.

– It could have been so much worse. Enormous forces have been at work. Among other things, there was a soft-ice machine in the carriage. It probably weighs between 80 and 100 kilos, and has been thrown away. This was so scary that I strongly consider quitting gas also in the restaurant next door, says the chef.

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