What to do in a humid, dark and decidedly bleak period when summer seems like an unattainable peak? Yes, the fastest way to indulge is with food. Comfort food. In November it is allowed, in November it is even mandatory!
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The combination of words – comfort food – appears more and more often in conversations. It refers to food that makes you feel good, that makes you forget your worries and promises you that everything will be fine. Outside of Latvia, this designation has a history of more than half a century, you can read about it here.
However, we have known comfort food itself for a long time, only we tend to label it “as delicious as Mom’s” or “you can eat as delicious as you are dying”. Usually, these dishes are not friendly to calorie counters, because most of them are filling up and no one has been looking at the calories in their preparation. Of course, buckwheat porridge with fried bacon will be fatty, it is clear that meatballs are not a lettuce snack. The comfort food is soups – such that the spoon fits inside, porridge, meatballs, chops, buberti, mousses. Everything we ate as children, what was prepared by ome or opis, what was cooked and baked for them by their grandparents.
Food is one of the languages of love. Delicious language! Food is also our fuel! However, it is important to remember that you eat to live, not the other way around! Car fuel is also needed so that the vehicle moves forward, instead of aimlessly driving here and there, just to be able to refuel more.
A lively autumn walk paired with comfort food is the perfect combination. When you move, the happiness hormone is released, which can then be further stuffed with comfort food, because the double doesn’t break!
May we have happiness and comfort!