March 12, 2021
Jean-Claude Fontinoy (MR) will disappear as chairman of the NMBS, Marc Descheemaecker (N-VA) as that of Brussels Airport. Ecolo and Open VLD provide their successors.
The core cabinet of the De Croo government reached a deal on Friday evening at 10 p.m. on the distribution of a laundry list to be filled in directorships and executive positions at major public companies. The top ministers sat together on this for more than 8 hours. There had been a deal between the Flemish parties of Vivaldi for a long time. But talks between the French speakers were stuck for hours.
The core cabinet confirmed the five sitting CEOs of the public companies whose mandates had already expired or this legislature would fall open. These are Johan Decuyper (CD&V) from Skeyes, Sophie Dutordoir (CD&V) from NMBS, Jannie Haek (sp.a) from the National Lottery, Koen Van Loo (Open VLD) from FPIM and Benoit Gilson (MR) from Infrabel . The other open positions were filled on the basis of the D’Hondt allocation key.
Ecolo will be chaired by the NMBS. Jean-Claude Fontinoy, the controversial handyman of Didier Reynders, sat there for years. The French-speaking Greens can also elect the chairman of the nuclear watchdog FANC. The PS may nominate the chairman of Bpost when François Cornelis’ mandate has expired. Open VLD takes over the chairmanship of Brussels Airport from the N-VA. There was former railway boss Marc Descheemaecker. The MR will be chaired by Skeyes and will retain the chair of the National Lottery. Groen may supply the chairman of ONDRAF / NIRAS, which manages the nuclear waste, and a vice-chairman of the investment company FPIM, just like the MR. Even after Stefaan De Clerck’s retirement at the end of this year, CD&V will retain the chairmanship of Proximus.
Names are not yet known. It has been agreed in the government that the candidates to be nominated have the necessary expertise and reflect the diversity of society. There is also an agreement that former ministers will not be appointed to the public companies for which they themselves were responsible.