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Fontainebleau: Laure, reservist with a big heart, caught the virus of mutual aid

The youngest is 16, the oldest have been retired for a long time. Laure Jolyot-Bertrand, she will not be officially until next April. At 65, this dynamic woman is one of some 70 people who have joined the citizen reserve created by the mayor of Fontainebleau, Frédéric Valletoux (Agir). After 20 years in Brunoy, in Essonne, she came to settle in the imperial city in 2018.

“It was a life project with my husband, who was born in Fontainebleau. For our retirement, we decided to share our existence between Fontainebleau and Mallorca, where we have a foothold. “While waiting for her husband, former Olympic foil champion, to hang up permanently, this former banking executive at La Défense intends to get fully involved in local life. After crossing the road of Frédéric Valletoux, she agreed to be on her list in 29th position, in the last municipal elections. “A personal commitment more than a political one,” she explains.

“In a crisis, there is always something good to take away”

Distribution of leaflets in mailboxes, videoconferencing meetings, the 60-year-old campaigned, distributed masks and did not take long to catch the virus of mutual aid. “During the first confinement, there was the delivery of drugs to the elderly or sick. Then, the deliveries of the races. I did them for my neighbors. During the Mayor’s Facebook Live, many people wondered how they could lend a helping hand. It was necessary to continue this dynamic of mutual aid which was established. In a crisis, there is always something good to be gained from it. “

“The idea of ​​founding this citizen reserve was actually born from this first confinement,” confirms Laureen Simon, in charge of this file at the mayor’s office. There was this Facebook group, Solidarité Fontainebleau, with many people willing to give time. We were inspired by existing reserves such as the civic reserve to create our citizen reserve, with its own charter. Volunteers have no obligation or condition of registration. “

“This is one of the first decisions of the mandate, confirms Frédéric Valletoux. This responds to this very strong solidarity observed during the first confinement. But it will also be used to lend a hand for the organization of cultural or sporting events such as the Imperial Foulées. “

Officially established at the start of the school year in September, the citizens’ reserve is for the moment mainly requested for health issues. “It took people for the two screening operations organized before and after Christmas, for example,” says Laureen Simon. Laure did not participate. “I had to keep my grandson,” she argues.

On the other hand, she did not count her hours to distribute the parcels to the over 70s registered at the communal social action center of Fontainebleau. “There were over 1,000 packages. These people were so happy to see us. It broke the isolation. It was very important. This winter, two evenings a week, she also participated in the distribution of the soup kitchen organized by the private individual’s 115. “You have to have a strong heart,” she says. There, we really measure the effects of the crisis. “

First steps in volunteering 30 years ago

The experience brought back painful memories of his first steps in volunteering. That was almost 30 years ago. Laure got involved in an association that came to the aid of AIDS patients. Those who were sometimes on the streets, rejected by their families. “I followed two in particular who died. It was very difficult, ”she says, with a sad look.

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On the other hand, the smile quickly returns to light up her face when she recalls her five years spent at the French fencing federation, where she worked in particular on the organization of the World Championships at the Grand Palais in 2010. An unforgettable memory.

For the past few days, Laure has had a new mission which occupies her several half-days a week. “I am stationed at the vaccination center,” she says. I check in people when they arrive. Sometimes there are two, three or four from the reserve. This morning, there were 71 people vaccinated. “

As if the days weren’t long enough, this history buff has also chosen to get involved in the Friends of the Château de Fontainebleau association, which has more than 1,000 members and of which she is its assistant treasurer. “Spending 10 hours a day in the bank directly retired, that would have been complicated,” she says. These commitments bring me another balance, apart from that of my family. “

And it may not be over yet. On her momentum, Laure could dive back into the world of fencing. “I might go back there a bit,” she slips with a mischievous look. Beside her, Pascal, her husband, smiles: “It doesn’t bother me. Me too, I’m very busy. “

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