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Fonderies du Poitou equipment sold at auction to a Belgian company

4.2 million euros is the sum paid by a Belgian company specializing in the dismantling of companies for the two sites of the Fonderie du Poitou. In eight months, the site should be completely blank.

Wednesday was the game sourcethis Thursday it was the turn of the Foundry alu to be sold at auction. All of the company’s equipment and machines put into liquidation in July 2021, for the part sourceand July 2022 for the part alu it had to be sold to pay off creditors.

Eight months of dismantling work

It was a Belgian company (Chabimmo), specializing in the dismantling of industrial sites, which won it all. Its leader, Hellmut Ulin, had even made the trip from Belgium. Everything he bought will be dismantled, updated and resold. “VSa will be sold to other foundries. (…) All materials must be recovered. There is cast iron, aluminum, iron of different qualities “, specific. He will have eight months to do this job, which seems a little short to him. And the yard should be impressive. “There will be five cranes, about twenty people and gondolas that we will rent here”, Hellmut Ulin details.

The more expensive I sell, the more their interests are preserved.

Christophe Cheveu d’Or, auctioneer in charge of the sale for the company 2CP partners

For Christophe Cheveu d’Or, the auctioneer in charge of the sale for the 2CP Partenaires company, it is a job that needs to be done but which always takes place in a special atmosphere. “Our job is to keep a low profile, it is to sell better, it is also to better understand the bitterness and sadness of the former employees. The liquidation has been pronounced, we explain to them every time that the more we sell dear, the more their interests are preserved. “, tell us.

And the few employees who came to watch the sale had mixed feelings, but mostly a pang of heart. “I worked 34 years here, so to see this box close … I live not far away, I pass by it every day, my heart hurts”, confesses Christian, a former founder.

“I enjoyed it here, day and night. Besides, I enjoyed coming here!” confides Bernard, also a former founder.

After the equipment, there are still 38 hectares of land and 70,000 square meters of buildings to be sold. A French industrialist specialized in hydrogen production would be interested.

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