Home » World » Following Tsingtao beer, this time, lamb ribs and deboned teeth.

Following Tsingtao beer, this time, lamb ribs and deboned teeth.

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In China, following the controversy over Tsingtao’s ‘urine beer’ last month, unhygienic lamb meat has been brought to the fore.

A butcher deboned the meat with his own mouth instead of using a tool, and introduced this as a traditional method.

This is correspondent Lee Mun-hyeon in Beijing.

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A butcher shop in Anhui Province, eastern China.

An employee is deboning lamb ribs, using his own teeth instead of tools.

The bone is broken directly with the mouth.

This employee called this ‘traditional technology.’

[정육점 직원]

“We’ve been doing it this way for decades. It’s fast and it’s good.”

He also emphasizes that the skilled technique leaves no traces of saliva on the meat.

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post reported that ‘the video has sparked a food safety debate online’ and that ‘there are serious concerns about the hygiene of both customers and employees.’

As the controversy spread, the local market supervision and administration bureau also investigated whether the video had been manipulated, and it was found to be true.

However, the investigation results revealed that it was for promotional purposes.

[중국 시장관리감독국 관계자]

“It was meant to be eye-catching. He told me it was to drive offline sales. In reality, they don’t do this.”

Last month, controversy arose when a video purportedly showing a man urinating in malt was released at a beer factory in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China.

[상하이TV 보도 (지난달 21일)]

“There may be urine in the Tsingtao beer you drink. It appears that a worker went into the area where raw materials are stored, looked around, and urinated.”

Tsingtao Beer said, ‘From now on, we will seal it so that employees cannot come into contact with the raw materials.’

Following the Tsingtao beer incident, another lamb decapitation incident occurred about a month later, and food safety issues in China became controversial again.

This is Munhyeon Lee of MBC News in Beijing.

Video editing: Junhyuk Ahn

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2023-11-26 11:17:01

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